Accession: 507.56.001
Editorial Title: Elizabeth G. Stuart and Jane L. Straw to Mary Baker Eddy, January 25, 1881
Author: Elizabeth G. Stuart  Jane L. Straw 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: January 25, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Elizabeth G. Stuart on lined paper from Boston, Massachusetts. The letter is also signed by Jane L. Straw.
Editorial Note: This letter from Stuart and Straw thanks Eddy for her kind visit and words of encouragement. Stuart writes of their earnest desire to heal the sick through the understanding of Truth and also mentions the success they've had so far. She writes that they are striving to "ascend the footsteps of Christ;" however, they are not yet free from some old beliefs. She mentions a surgical operation she had the previous winter to remove a fibrous tumor from her uterus and her fear of this condition returning. Stuart asks Eddy for treatments or Lessons for the unfolding of their spiritual perception and wonders what the cost would be. She closes by stating that they do not intend to let anything stand in the way of their advancement, and they hope to hear from Eddy soon.
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