Accession: 520.56.007
Editorial Title: Frances J. Babcock to Mary Baker Eddy, January 14, 1884
Author: Frances J. Babcock 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: January 14, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Frances J. Babcock on lined paper from Vallejo, California.
Editorial Note: Babcock tells Mary Baker Eddy that she has been considering applying to Eddy to become an agent to sell Eddy's book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Mrs. James G. Smith has become an agent, and Babcock gave her an order two weeks ago but as yet has received nothing. Babcock has several friends in San Francisco who have purchased Julia Anderson Root's book (possibly Healing Power of Mind) but are now sorry they did so as they would prefer to have the standard work (presumably Science and Health). Babcock would like for Eddy to make her an agent for San Francisco and let her know what the terms for the agency would be. She also asks that Eddy send a half dozen sample copies of The Christian Science Journal for free distribution. Babcock says that Miranda R. Rice has sown a little leaven in San Francisco and people are investigating. Babcock hopes that Eddy will soon hear of glorious results on the West Coast. They hope to found an Institute and incorporate it under the laws of California. They consider Eddy to be the founder of Christian Science, and hope that the few followers on the West Coast will not bring discredit on Christian Science. They would like to hear words of instruction and encouragement from Eddy, and they eagerly await her words in The Christian Science Journal. They need someone to act as leader of the Christian Science movement in the area. If someone would like to move there and take on that role, that person could form a large church and prosper financially.
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