I have taken a course of instruction in “Metaphysics” and have commenced practice and I am happy to state with success but somehow I cannot feel satisfied until As Written: till I have seen you face to face and taken a course of instruction from you – and since I find my success in healing assured my desire is stronger than before – but unfortunately my means are limited and I write to ask you what will be your lowest terms provided I bring you proof if my truth – honesty – and good standing in the community also of my success in healing – Please do what you can for me for I assure you I am honest – earnest – and wish to do good in the MastersEditorial Note: Jesus Christ name I do not As Written: donot feel at liberty to give the name of my teacher unless I come to you when I will bring my proof from her as I know She feels delicate on the subject of my wishing to come to you, fearing I may feel that she has not As Written: hasnot been thorough – but you will understand how I feel – Do please be as favorable to me as you have been to a few others whom I know Also please tell me about how long a course will take (I have a full knowledge and understanding of your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures studying them daily) And how low decent As Written: deacent accommodations with board can be had if I conclude to come – which will certainly be if you will be as Christ-like as I think you in your offers of help
Please consider this confidential