Accession: 530.57.017
Editorial Title: Fannie L. Clark to Mary Baker Eddy, April 9, 1886
Author: Fannie L. Clark 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 9, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Fannie L. Clark on unlined paper.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy -

I called on Mr. Bertram this afternoon – took one treatment from him – already feel very much improved.

He has very kindly written a note to youEditorial Note: See 256.40.003. which I enclose. Of course I would like very much to continue in the class – yet I feel perfectly satisfied to abide by your decision on the receipt of this and the enclosed. I will say I have never been obliged to "give up" to any of the beliefs I have had, since I went into the work. — that is, I have always been able to meet all engagements and go my usual round of work.

Please let me know Your decision when the class is over tomorrowAs Written:to-morrow morning.

And oblige

Yours with love and respect
Fannie L. Clark
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy -

I called on Mr. Bertram this afternoon – took one treatment from him – already feel very much improved.

He has very kindly written a note to youEditorial Note: See 256.40.003. which I enclose. Of course I would like very much to continue in the class – yet I feel perfectly satisfied to abide with by your decision on the receipt of this and the enclosed. I will say I have never been obliged to "give up" to any of the beliefs I have had, since I went into the work. — that is, I have always been able to meet all engagements and go my usual round of work.

Please let me know Your decision when the class is over to-morrowCorrected:tomorrow morning.

And oblige

Yours with love and respect
Fannie L. Clark
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