Accession: 534.57.010
Editorial Title: Barrett A. Cox to Mary Baker Eddy, January 1, 1884
Author: Barrett A. Cox 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: January 1, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Barrett A. Cox on lined paper from Pittston, Maine, with a notation in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy.
Archival Note: A notation on the letter in Mary Baker Eddy's handwriting reads: "Mrs. Palmer?"
Editorial Note: Cox orders two copies of Mary Baker Eddy's publication, Christian Healing. He mentions that he already owns a copy of The People's God, but asks Eddy to send copies of any other lectures she has published. Cox finds that each time he reads Eddy's book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, he finds new meaning and ideas in it. He has allowed several neighbors to read the book and they've become interested in it. The local Christian Science practitioner, Alice B. Poole, is a successful healer and Cox has heard that she has many patients. One of Cox's neighbors, who has been sickly for several years, has become a patient of Poole and is somewhat improved. Cox also goes into detail about the case of a man with severe kidney disease that had affected other parts of his body. A Dr. Hill of Augusta, Maine, felt that nothing more could be done for him and that he did not have long to live. Both Cox and Alice B. Poole prayed for the man, and he has largely recovered. Cox is sorry he is unable to come to Boston at present to study with Eddy but feels that perhaps he can come in the spring. Cox also mentions that he has heard of a new Christian Science practitioner in Gardiner, Maine, named Mrs. Palmer and he wonders if she is a student of Eddy's.
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