Accession: 534.57.011
Editorial Title: Barrett A. Cox to Mary Baker Eddy, February 8, 1884
Author: Barrett A. Cox 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 8, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Barrett A. Cox on lined paper from Pittston, Maine.
Editorial Note: Cox is answering a letter (not extant) that he received from Mary Baker Eddy. He is still unable to come to Boston to study with her due to the demands of his employment. He tells Eddy that he recommends Christian Science to everyone that he can because he believes it is the only true method of healing. He is no longer troubled by the dyspepsia and heart trouble that he had, but he still has some rheumatism. His mother is also improving in health and gives the credit to Christian Science. She is now reading Eddy's book, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures. Cox has not had much contact with Alice B. Poole lately, but he has heard she has many patients. He has no knowledge of her current success as a healer.
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