The past six months has been devoted to the study and practice As Written: practise of the teachings of your wonderful books.
The instructions I receivedAs Written:rec’d was not imparted by natural teachers, yet every As Written: evry spare moment is devoted to the study of the books and I doubt not it will be gratifying to know that my success has exceeded my expectations. I have many things to ask you when I visit BEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts
I was given to understand a member of the family who taught me received instruction from you at the college
Frequently I treat my patients in my sleep and mind is so tired, I know this should not be, I should be very grateful to know how to overcome this Healing the sick shall be my life work. I know so many suffering with no means. Why can I not heal them at once? as Christ did? and He expected nothing in return. I am ready to do it for any whether they can pay or not. I know one poor woman with cancer. another consumptiveEditorial Note: having tuberculosis. I cure 9 out of every As Written: evry 10, Why should I not cure the 10th?
I doubt not if we knew the number of letters you receive As Written: recieve we should not feel hurt at receiving As Written: recieveing no reply –
Pardon if I have presumed to much in writing I was gratified in meeting Dr Sawyer and trust some good will come to all who desire Truth:
To say I am thankful for what “Science & Health” has done for me, and mine can not half express what I feel.