Accession: 544.57.003
Editorial Title: Ursula N. Gestefeld to Mary Baker Eddy, August 6, 1884
Author: Ursula N. Gestefeld 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: August 6, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Ursula N. Gestefeld from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans AugustAs Written:Aug 17
Dear Mrs. Eddy;

I wish to become a member of the Christian Science Association of Boston, and also to advertise in the Journal. Will you please inform me upon what terms I can join the Ass. and also how much money I must send for both purposes.

With kind remembrance,
Yours Et ceteraAs Written:&c
Ursula N. Gestefeld.

Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSend your applicationAs Written:ap & we will see

send slip with name on

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered AugExpanded:August 17
Dear Mrs. Eddy;

I wish to become a member of the Christian Science Association of Boston, and also to advertise in the Journal. Will you please inform me upon what terms I can join the Ass. and also how much money I must send for both purposes.

With kind remembrance,
Yours &cExpanded:Et cetera
Ursula N. Gestefeld.

Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSend your apExpanded:application & we will see

send slip with name on

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Chicago, Illinois