Accession: 545.58.010
Editorial Title: Emma Gray to Mary Baker Eddy, September 23, 1885
Author: Emma Gray 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 23, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Emma Gray on embossed lined paper from Washington, D.C.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs. Eddy:

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. just receivedAs Written:recd" As to the quotations from Evans in my newspaper article, you said that the ideas that I quoted, were the same as yours, hence they cannot be wrong, No one is supposed to endorse the whole book from which they quote, but simply the passages quoted. I signed no name to the article, hence its authorship is unknown, I am frequently asked If I have read his books and what I think of them, I reply, that he has some good ideas, but, always, unqualifiedly denounce his approval of magnetism, and always recommend your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy as being the only reliable exponent of the systemEditorial Note: Christian Science. I had "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy out of the Congressional library nearly all winter, lending it to people to read, besides loaning my own copy of it. Moreover I have fought battle after battle on your account, Mrs. N.Editorial Note: Probably A. B. (Anna B.) Newman & Mrs S.Editorial Note: Possibly Elizabeth G. Stuart both have pupils here, and they prejudice all with whom they come in contact, against you, and I always take up the cudgel in your defence, and say, you, being the discoverer of this scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, know more about it than any one else, and that you are the only teacher in MetaphysicsAs Written:Met. that I wouldAs Written:w-d have under any circumstances. Mrs. N.Editorial Note: Probably A. B. (Anna B.) Newman has a pupil here, who is going to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts this fall, to take another course in MetaphysicsAs Written:Met. from her: and, as I am your only representative here, & have said so much about the superiority of your teaching over that of any other, naturally am anxious that my works should bear me out in what I say, and I am sure another course of instruction wouldAs Written:w-d be of great benefit to me, but, if you insist on the condition of my bringing another pupil with me, at this time, I am afraid that will shut me off, It is quite an expense to go from here to Boston, and pay board while there, and I don't know any that can, or will do it. As I said before the lady whom I have been treating this summer, has a winter home in Washington and I hope, if I succeed well, in treating her after my return, that I shall still be able to persuade her to go, She couldAs Written:c-d pay your full price. but I must know more myself, before I can have any further influence with her, So, then, will you take me unconditionally? and if so, can I room and board at the college? and for one dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.36 in 2019. per day: that is what I paid you before, & even at that rate, I shall only be able to stay two weeks, as that, in addition to my travelling expenses, will exhaust my exchequer

Hoping for a favorable answer, I am, as ever,
S. Emma Gray.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs. Eddy:

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. just recd"Expanded:received As to the quotations from Evans in my newspaper article, you said that the ideas ideas that I quoted, were the same as yours, hence they cannot be wrong, No one is supposed to endorse the whole book from which they quote, but simply the passages quoted. I signed no name to the article, hence its authorship is unknown, I am frequently asked If I have read his books and what I think of them, I reply, that he has some good ideas, but, always, unqualifiedly denounce his approval of magnetism, and always recommend your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy as being the only reliable exponent of the systemEditorial Note: Christian Science. I had your "Science & Health"Editorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy out of the Congressional library nearly all winter, lending it to people to read, besides loaning my own copy of it. Moreover I have fought battle after battle on your account, Mrs. N.Editorial Note: Probably A. B. (Anna B.) Newman & Mrs S.Editorial Note: Possibly Elizabeth G. Stuart both have pupils here, and they prejudice all with whom they come in contact, against you, and I always take up the cudgel in your defence, and say, you, being the discoverer of this scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, know more about it than any one else, and that you are the only teacher in Met.Expanded:Metaphysics that I w-dExpanded:would have under any circumstances. Mrs. N.Editorial Note: Probably A. B. (Anna B.) Newman has a pupil here, who is going to BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts this fall, to take another course in Met.Expanded:Metaphysics from her: and, as I am your only representative here, & have said so much about the superiority of your teaching over that of any other, naturally am anxious that my works should bear me out in what I say, and I am sure another course of instruction w-dExpanded:would be of great benefit to me, but, if you insist on the condition of my bringing another pupil with me, at this time, I am afraid that will shut me off, It is quite an expense to go from here to Boston, and pay board while there, and I don't know any that can, or will do it. As I said before the lady whom I have been treating this summer, has a winter home in Washington and I hope, if I succeed well, in treating her after my return, that I shall still be able to persuade her to go, She c-dExpanded:could pay your full price. but I must know more myself, before I can have any further influence with her, So, then, will you take me unconditionally? and if so, can I room and board at the college? and for one dollarEditorial Note: $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.36 in 2019. per day: that is what I paid you before, & even at that rate, I shall only be able to stay two weeks, as that, in addition to my travelling expenses, will exhaust my exchequer

Hoping for a favorable answer, I am, as ever,
S. Emma Gray.
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This letter is not extant. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Probably A. B. (Anna B.) Newman Possibly Elizabeth G. Stuart Christian Science Probably A. B. (Anna B.) Newman Boston, Massachusetts $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.36 in 2019.