Accession: 545.58.014
Editorial Title: Emma Gray to Mary Baker Eddy, May 26, 1885
Author: Emma Gray 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 26, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Emma Gray on embossed lined paper from Washington, D.C.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs. Eddy;

This French lady, of whom I have written, now thinks she shall return to France & Italy, and she is so much pleased with Metaphysics that she wished to know if it would be possible for her to study it, so she couldAs Written:cd introduce it in Europe. She is an unusually intelligent lady, and her friends abroad, are all among the nobility, so that it wouldAs Written:wd be an excellent thing for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., if she understood it sufficiently to introduce it there. There is this trouble, she would have to have an interpreter, in studying with you, because she understands so little English. I don't know whether you could manage it or not. but I told her I would write, and ask you, and also what the expense would be. She expects to sail during the summer, so it wouldAs Written:wd be necessary for her to study soon. if at all.

I think she wouldAs Written:wd make a successful healer, and she commands respect from all who know her for her intelligence and excellent character. She has a very fine connection abroad, and I don't think a better person couldAs Written:cd be found to introduce it there than she.

Please write me as soon as possible, and let me know what you think.

Sincerely yours
S. Emma Gray
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Mrs. Eddy;

This French lady, of whom I have written, now thinks she shall return to France & Italy, and she is so much pleased with Metaphysics that she wished to know if it would be possible for her to study it, so she cdExpanded:could introduce it in Europe. She is an unusually intelligent lady, and her friends abroad, are all among the nobility, so that it wdExpanded:would be an excellent thing for the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., if she understood it sufficiently to introduce it there. There is this trouble trouble, she would have to have an interpreter, in studying with you, because she understands so little English. I don't know whether you could manage it or not. but I told her I would write, and ask you, and also what the expense would be. She expects to sail during the summer, so it wdExpanded:would be necessary for her to study soon. if at all.

I think she wdExpanded:would make a successful healer, and she commands respect from all who know her for her intelligence and excellent character. She has a very fine connection abroad, and I don't think a better person cdExpanded:could be found to introduce it there than she.

Please write me as soon as possible, and let me know what you think.

Sincerely yours
S. Emma Gray
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