⇉ Handshift:Emma Gray917 R st.
Washington D.C.
June 16th ‘84
I receivedAs Written:rec’d your very kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. some time ago. and have been waiting to see what I can do. about going to Boston, I still think I shall go if nothing unforeseen happens to prevent. If you have fixed on the time for your summer classEditorial Note: Gray attended Eddy’s Primary class that began on September 2, 1884., will you please send me word before the 1st of July, as we are expecting to move then, and my address is uncertain after that. I should like it if the class can meet about the middle of July, but if it does not until later I may go to Maine first. I hope you are well -- O I forgot -- of course you are,
Hoping to hear from you soon, I am