Accession: 549.58.006
Editorial Title: Sarah E. Heywood to Mary Baker Eddy, June 12, 1884
Author: Sarah E. Heywood 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: June 12, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Sarah E. Heywood on lined paper from Neenah, Wisconsin.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
than I can carry – can you help me? With very much love to you all
I remain truly yours
S.E. Heywood.

Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans June 19th

Mrs. Eddy & Members of the Association
My Very Dear Friends:

I enclose a P.O. Order to cancelEditorial Note: The word, “cancel” here likely means that Sarah E. Heywood is paying her dues for the Christian Scientist Association until January 1, 1885, thus “cancelling” the dues. my dues to the Association till Jan 1st, 1885.

Though so far away, I think you would like to know something in regard to the use I am making of the instruction I received in the truths you representEditorial Note: Sarah E. Heywood was in Mary Baker Eddy’s class that began on February 25, 1884.; & wish I had a long list of good things to tell you, but owing to the preponderancy of my personal sense, & slowness of heartLuke 24:25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Luke 24:26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? Luke 24:27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. ,-- my recital must be brief.

I came home very enthusiastic concerning the grand possibilities in store for us as God’s children, & am sorry ,that I have to confess that for a short time I felt so covetous of them, as to feel partial as to whom I should carry the glad tidings, but when I met the cold, incredulous gaze from those I thought would clap their hands with joy, & heard the comment that they “thought Mrs Heywood sincere, but Oh how deluded” my selfishness vanished, & I felt glad to turn to those [fur?] hearers who claimed less spirituality & had less confidence in their own ChristianityAs Written:christianity – But even those hear with their ears, to the exclusion of any understanding in their hearts.

Governed by cautiousness to avoid bringing the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science into ill repute, or the showing of myself as a fanatic, I have selected mild forms of chronic diseases for my practice, & can truly speak of their improvement, but it was not of that miraculous character that would prevent unbelievers from attributing it to natural causes as they understand the term.—The most conclusive demonstration I have had, was in the case of a boy of nine years, who was so badly afflicted in belief, with St Vitus’s Dance, that he was dumb, weak & as helpless as an infant of a few hours, every muscle in his body seeming to be on a constant jerk. – Dr Kempster (Director of our Wis. Insane Asylum) as well as two of our local physicians, told the child'sAs Written:childs parents, that it would require months for the child'sAs Written:childs recovery.

The parents were poor but sensible people. & I prevailed on them to lay aside their drugs to let Christian Science have a chance, Four weeks from that time the boy was on the streets at play with his mates, apparently well, & remains so. Of course the boys recovery has done a little to agitate thought, but I do wish I could help them see a more prominent demonstration, & with that end in view, I have a proposition to offer for your consideration. There is a prominent gentleman living here, nearly seventy years of age, but hale & hearty, who is entirely deaf in one As Written: on ear, & quite so with the other – After he heard of the recovery of the little boy, he told me he would give me five thousand dollarsEditorial Note: $5,000 in 1884 is the equivalent of $138,444.79 in 2017. if I would restore his hearing. I transfer the offer with its reward to you, hoping that for the good of the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., you will think it best to accept it. & promising to help you in any way that you may dictate. I have for six weeks or more, been trying to demonstrate the power of Ch. ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science over the demon intemperance, & for that purpose selected a man well know, about 65 years of age -- & possessing fine natural abilities, but who has been more or less intemperate all his life, & claims he inherited the love for intoxication from his forefathers. He does not know of my endeavors As Written: endevors in his behalf, but through his wife I learn that the only change he shows is his disposition, is the expression of an occasional wish that he might be free from the curse of rum. I feel that I have taken more upon my shoulders than I can carry – can you help me?

With very much love to you all
I remain truly Yours
S.E. Heywood.

Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans June 19th

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
than I can carry – can you help me? With very much love to you all
I remain truly yours
S.E. Heywood.

Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered June 19th

Mrs. Eddy & Members of the Association
My Very Dear Friends:

I enclose a P.O. Order to cancelEditorial Note: The word, “cancel” here likely means that Sarah E. Heywood is paying her dues for the Christian Scientist Association until January 1, 1885, thus “cancelling” the dues. my dues to the Association till Jan 1st, 1885.

Though so far away, I think you would like to know something in regard to the use use I am making of the instruction I received in the truths you representEditorial Note: Sarah E. Heywood was in Mary Baker Eddy’s class that began on February 25, 1884.; & wish I had a long list of good things to tell you, but owing to the preponderancy of my personal sense, & slowness of heartLuke 24:25 Then he said unto them, O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: Luke 24:26 Ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into his glory? Luke 24:27 And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. ,-- my recital must be brief.

I came home very enthusiastic concerning the grand possibilities in store for us as God’s children, & am sorry ,that I have to confess that for a short time I felt so covetous of them, as to feel partial as to whom I should carry the glad tidings, but when I met the cold, incredulous gaze from those I thought would clap their hands with joy, & heard the comment that they “thought Mrs Heywood sincere, but Oh how deluded” my selfishness vanished, & I felt glad to turn to those [fur?] hearers who claimed less spirituality & had less confidence in their own christianityCorrected:Christianity – But even those hear with their ears, to the exclusion of any understanding in their hearts.

Governed by cautiousness to avoid bringing the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science into ill repute, or the showing of myself as a fanatic, I have selected mild forms of chronic diseases for my practice, & can truly speak of their improvement, but it was not of that miraculous character that would prevent unbelievers from attributing it to natural causes as they understand the term.—The most conclusive demonstration I have had, was in the case of a boy of nine years, who was so badly afflicted in belief, with St Vitus’s Dance, that he was dumb, weak & as helpless as an infant of a few hours, every muscle in his body seeming to be on a constant jerk. – Dr Kempster (Director of our Wis. Insane Asylum) as well as two of our local physicians, told the childsCorrected:child's parents, that it would require months for the childsCorrected:child's recovery.

The parents were poor but sensible people. & I prevailed on them to lay aside their drugs to let Christian Science have a chance, Four weeks from that time the boy was on the streets at play with his mates, apparently well, & remains so. Of course the boys recovery has done a little to agitate thought, but I do wish I could help them see a more prominent demonstration, & with that end in view, I have a proposition to offer for your consideration. There is a prominent gentleman living here, nearly seventy years of age, but hale & hearty, who is entirely deaf in on Corrected: one ear, & quite so with the other – After he heard of the recovery of the little boy, he told me he would give me five thousand dollarsEditorial Note: $5,000 in 1884 is the equivalent of $138,444.79 in 2017. if I would restore his hearing. I transfer the offer with its reward to you, hoping that for the good of the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science., you will think it best to accept it. & promising to help you in any way that you may dictate. I have for six weeks or more, been trying to demonstrate the power of Ch. ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science over the demon intemperance, & for that purpose selected a man well know, about 65 years of age -- & possessing fine natural abilities, but who has been more or less intemperate all his life, & claims he inherited the love for intoxication from his forefathers. He does not know of my endevors Corrected: endeavors in his behalf, but through his wife I learn that the only change he shows is his disposition, is the expression of an occasional wish that he might be free from the curse of rum. I feel that I have taken more upon my shoulders than I can carry – can you help me?

With very much love to you all
I remain truly Yours
S.E. Heywood.

Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered June 19th

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The word, “cancel” here likely means that Sarah E. Heywood is paying her dues for the Christian Scientist Association until January 1, 1885, thus “cancelling” the dues. Sarah E. Heywood was in Mary Baker Eddy’s class that began on February 25, 1884. Christian Science $5,000 in 1884 is the equivalent of $138,444.79 in 2017. The cause of Christian Science. Christian Science