Accession: 563.59.005
Editorial Title: C. F. Morrill to Mary Baker Eddy, July 5, 1884
Author: C. F. Morrill 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: July 5, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by C. F. Morrill on his lined printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy:

Your favor of the 1stEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was duly received. For one, I am grateful for the instructions on this point and as we have a meeting tonight I will be glad to read it to the class.

I am quite busy although only about 15 patients but I suppose they are more of a burden than 30 will be by & by.

Like other beginners I am doing a good deal to be paid when cured and some charity work. It’s As Written: Its a little hard in money matters to do this but I trust it will soon change.

We are very happy in the work and are pressing hard toward higher work.

Yours in “Truth
C. F. Morrill
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy:

Your favor of the 1stEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. was duly received. For one, I am grateful for the instructions on this point and as we have a meeting tonight I will be glad to read it to the class.

I am quite busy although only about 15 patients but I suppose they are more of a burden than 30 will be by & by.

Like other beginners I am doing a good deal to be paid when cured and some charity work. Its Corrected: It’s a little hard in money matters to do this but I trust it will soon change.

We are very happy in the work and are pressing hard toward toward higher work.

Yours in “Truth
C. F. Morrill
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This letter is not extant.