Accession: 563.59.010
Editorial Title: C. F. Morrill to Calvin A. Frye and Mary Baker Eddy, August 2, 1884
Author: C. F. Morrill 
Recipient: Calvin A. Frye  Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 2, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by C. F. Morrill on his lined printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Sister Brown called to say that R. Kennedy is giving exhibitions in mesmerism at the west side opera house in this city under name of E.J.K.
Dear BrotherAs Written:Bro Frye

Yours of recent dates (2 letters)Editorial Note: These letters are not extant. were duly receivedAs Written:rec. want of time has kept me from looking up the publishing of article but we had decided to do as you suggested even before Hope to get at it next week.

Our Frankie has been entirely helpless since the 29th. Has to be fed and can talk but little. Since yesterday P.h. has talked better and rested better last night.

I had taken up the opposition but since the 29th more closely. Dr. Avery stopped As Written: stoped at my request as she grew worse after he came Doubtless he is a special mark.

I must have written not plainly. I simply meant as I will state below to Sister E.

Yours in love
C.F. Morrill.

Dear Sister Eddy:

Could you take me upEditorial Note: Morrill is asking for Christian Science treatment through prayer. only three times in behalf of Frankie?

I would not ask it for an outsider but I hope you can for your own Students sake, the mother.

Yours in love


Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Sister Brown called to say that R. Kennedy is giving exhibitions in mesmerism at the west side opera house in this city under name of E.J.K.
Dear BroExpanded:Brother Frye

Yours of recent dates (2 letters)Editorial Note: These letters are not extant. were duly rec.Expanded:received want of time has kept me from looking up the publishing of article but we had decided to do as you suggested even before Hope to get at it next week.

Our Frankie has been entirely helpless since the 29th. Has to be fed and can talk but little. Since yesterday P.h. has talked better and rested better last night.

I had taken up the opposition but since the 29th more closely. Dr. Avery stoped Corrected: stopped at my request as she grew worse after he came Doubtless he is a special mark.

I must have written not plainly. I simply meant as I will state below to Sister E.

Yours in love
C.F. Morrill.

Dear Sister Eddy:

Could you take me upEditorial Note: Morrill is asking for Christian Science treatment through prayer. only three times in behalf of Frankie?

I would not ask it for an outsider but I hope you can for your own Students sake, the mother.

Yours in love


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These letters are not extant. Morrill is asking for Christian Science treatment through prayer.