Accession: 578.59.018
Editorial Title: Thomas Swartwout to Mary Baker Eddy, December 30, 1883
Author: Thomas Swartwout 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 30, 1883
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Thomas Swartwout on lined paper from Englewood, Illinois.
Editorial Note: Swartwout tells Mary Baker Eddy that he never heard back from her after the last letter he sent, so he is assuming she never got it. In a previous letter (see 578.59.014), and in this letter, Swartwout tells Eddy that his wife had had a cancer removed from her foot and has since become lame. She received Christian Science treatment through prayer from Bradford Sherman, but she was not healed. Sherman also failed to heal another in Swartwout's family, although Swartout has also heard of wonderful cures that have taken place in Sherman's practice of Christian Science. Swartout asks Eddy if Ellen Brown Linscott and Caroline D. Noyes are students of hers. He does not want his wife to be treated by anyone other than a student of Eddy's. Swartwout hopes that someday, if he has time and money, he will be able to go to Boston and learn Christian Science from Eddy herself. He hopes she will write to him if convenient.
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