I respectfully ask your attention to a few matters I wish to lay before you personally.
I have bought and am studying your excellent works “Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” and have I trust a laudable object in view.
I was reared by the best of parents. My father a Minister in M E ChurchEditorial Note: Methodist Episcopal Church. also a brother. & a sister in the lecture field. I toiled hard in the ministry of same Church for twelve years, but of my own accord withdrew in good standing about the time Dr Thomas my friend did. I am in the lecture field on matters of progress. I will enclose one of my lectures. It will lead you to believe me a Spiritualist I presume from its close. I am in part, but am eyeing closely the new developments of the present days. I am Prest. of a “Spiritual Test Meeting,” for each Sunday in our city. also Prest. of another meeting for public Scientific lectures which meets every Sunday. My position is known by both meetings which are antagonistic to each other or have been but are now harmonizing better, as understanding each other better. I am urged to be a Spiritualist only, while the great scientist feels sure I will yet go out and lecture on his system & discoveries.
My noble wife (we married over one year ago) believes in your scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. She is a medium for years and has performed many cures through Mind influence. I have felt much impressed to begin the Mind cure system you are in and many urge me to. I have not the means now to spare to go in a class & yet I always like to honor the rules. I as good as know God calls me to this work and know fine success will result if I thus decide. I am perhaps justified in saying I cured many by recognition of the same science you advocate while in the ministry and since. My visits to their bedsides &c. lead many to omit medicines as restoration in spirit or Mind resulted soon. I will not say I did it. I never did say so aside from the recognition of the great healing Principle or God, yet this Soul, Mind in us does the work and to that the glory belongs.
I choose to withhold further details or merits or what Phrenologists have always pointed out as my line and hear from you. I am situated well for healing & it is strange that I have been kept from going into magnetic treatments which I have been urged by many to take up. My wife has lived here for years & has numerous friends and many have said they will become my patients if I will adopt practice in your line. This may be duty. I never assume titles. If I go to treating in your line it will seem like Dr. yet I have denied As Written: denyed this while all the time since I have been here (since married) this time I have been called thus.
Can I get your views and let me see if you can do anything to open the way? If I were authorized I could get up classes and interest them in your systemEditorial Note: Christian Science as I see it exactly and endorse it. I have full faith in it & know it is to become the true system.
If you need light to know what position to assume let me know and I can give you very responsible As Written: responcible references As Written: refrencess . Out interests should become mutual.
Mrs Swarts says she want to meet you if you visit Chicago this year & she wishes one of your Photos if you can send one. & as she has not one now to send you she asks me to send mine. I enclose mine after this explanation & beg your pardon.
If your advice As Written: advise & views show me I ought to take up this line of work and I see you can open the way consistently to me, I may decide to give all my time to it in future.
My residence is 455 West Madison st. I hope to hear from you on this matter with suggestions as to what you can do for me.
Awaiting your favor