455 WestAs Written:W. Madison st.
Chicago IllinoisAs Written:Ills. May 1st 1884
Yours 28th ult.Editorial Note: This letter is not extant. received. I note you are to be here soon and to have a classEditorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884.. I am glad to learn this. It may be you have some special one giving the matter attention for you. If I knew who I would try and aid the cause with them by securing students for you. Also before you go to the expense of renting a room, you are invited to my home and may be you will desire to have your class meet in out parlors or class rooms. We live in a good locality for this causeEditorial Note: Christian Science you represent. I may have several prospective students for you as many are seeing me about it. I think my chief talent lies in organization against popular beliefs, or in seeing new things on their fact.
Dr Merton whose card I enclose is a wonderful scientist even greater than Spencer. He is the acknowledged best anatomist and physiologist of this day. Harvard UniversityAs Written:Univ - desires him back there as a ProfessorAs Written:Prof again & that UniversityAs Written:Univ. uses today 100 charts made by Dr Merton in various sciences. He is a great discoverer in human science & is beyond almost any other in Metaphysics. You evidently know what it is to be misunderstood by humanity, to have great truths that you could not impart to the multitude because they were not advanced to receive them, so with this man. Finding him in possession of rubies and diamonds of truth, the result of forty years close work until As Written: til the people thought they had no more use for him than the Jews had for Jesus. My wife & I opened our rooms to him or to truth, God, and now I have got a class of 39 ladies and gents who are absorbed beyond conception & so delighted. He is a noble poor (financially) man. He spoke well of you the other eve to the class & I think I have in this class of healers DoctorsAs Written:Drs. and reformers several who I might work into your class.
Now if you see me in the spirit and favorably and that my heart is to aid the worthy, it is well but if you see the cold thing of money influences me then I would prefer you lose sight of any offers Mrs. S. or I might extend.
We invite you to give us an early call, as it might be well all round, and now sending you greeting = the name of Truth we call you over to MacedoniaActs 16:9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us. Acts 16:10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them. and wish you a most successful journey and visit.