Accession: 579.59.006
Editorial Title: A. J. Swarts to Mary Baker Eddy, August 21, 1884
Author: A. J. Swarts 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: August 21, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by A. J. Swarts on lined paper from Clinton, Iowa.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mary B G Eddy
Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
Dear Sister

YoursEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. 28th ultimatelyAs Written:ult came to hand before wife & I came here to attend this fine SpiritualistEditorial Note: From the first edition of Science and Health to the last, Mary Baker Eddy included a chapter explaining that the teachings and practices of Spiritualism are not in accord with Christian Science. The chapter was first entitled “Imposition and Demonstration,” and in later editions was titled “Christian Science and Spiritualism,” and finally, “Christian Science versus Spiritualism.” Camp Meeting which began 3rd As Written: 3d instance As Written: inst & lasts till As Written: til 26th. I did not feel the time had come for reply as I knew much fuller light was to come to me as to the path of duty.

Now I can report to you I am clear in the knowledge that my life must be put in for Truth & Humanity in the Metaphysical field. I stand in the light & there are many ways I can work to aid the general cause & you will hear of me after this as at it all the time. On another sheet I report the names of my late class at Chicago as also names of a class I have taught a course of 12 lessons in my tent on this ground. among these are found the prominent speakers from abroad the PresidentAs Written:Prest. & Vice PresidentAs Written:Prest. of the Iowa ConferenceAs Written:Conf. of SpiritualistsEditorial Note: From the first edition of Science and Health to the last, Mary Baker Eddy included a chapter explaining that the teachings and practices of Spiritualism are not in accord with Christian Science. The chapter was first entitled “Imposition and Demonstration,” and in later editions was titled “Christian Science and Spiritualism,” and finally, “Christian Science versus Spiritualism.” & I tell you I had many richly stored minds. At first lesson I took a vote of how many stand in the knowledge that all is Mind & there is no matter. 4 stood there. 1 that “all is Matter”. 15 that there is both Mind & Matter. at my 5th lesson or 6th I took the vote & two thirds of the whole class – it increased after the first lesson – voted that they stand clear now that matter is not real but that all is Mind or Spirit & that matter is not. I show clearly that if Mind is everywhere then Matter can be nowhere.

Many good people will go out from here to heal & to teach their friends that the “Mind Cure” is the thing. I have the dream & back bone of this large As Written: lare Camp 100 tents & cottages of reformers in my class to go out to many states to advocate the cause & next year if here I can have a large class.

I told my class you will mail a sample copy of Journal to each one & if they wish to subscribe for it one year they may order through me or of you direct. Also I can work a nice bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. sale out of these classes if you & I both do the fair thing. so while I give their names to you I am to have CreditAs Written:Cr. of the sales. You do not hold out any inducement to me to turn my whole time & work to the sale of your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.. I did not regard it right in you or your clerk to only send me the Pamphlet “The Science of Man” for the .50Editorial Note: $.50 in 1884 is the equivalent of $13.84 in 2017. I sent when I wrote for the same kind you used in teaching Chicago with the large print. I know this pamphlet can be issued for 5 ctsEditorial Note: $.05 in 1884 is the equivalent of $1.38 in 2017. by the lot. It is not the money. but the mistake I look at. Now Sister Eddy though you are so busy & many among you & as you think interfere with your rights. let me say. a little time set apart by you to consideration of what is best for you to do towards the work & openings I will lead to this cause will not be lost time. I hope for a change in this apparent indifference. Else I hope it will grow a little more so. I know the thoughts with you & you wonder if I am going to your College & if many of my students will go & if I will be an injury or a help to you. Trust. I expect prompter reply to letters & to get a copy of Journal or two to work with I could have sent you the cash & 100 subscriptionsAs Written:subs. for your Journal from this Meeting if I had even one copy. but I have not & not seen one since May. Do not even know how often it issues.

Now Ottumwa IowaAs Written:Ioa. where the great healing institute has been so many years. chiefly Mind yet manipulating sales on me for a lot of your circulars & matters so they can work it up there. but here I have no hope of you sending a supply unless you have five times their cost. I say the hungry shall be fed if I accept offers made me to write matter & they will provide the means.

I expect to teach another class in ChicagoAs Written:Chic. in Oct. & then I may go out to Ottumwa & Maquoketa IowaAs Written:Ioa. strong centers of Spiritualists & where so many live who do half their treating by Mind. I may keep on writing other centers.

I cannot feel it duty to go to the expense of a trip to Boston & pay for tuition beside. Your students will never find fault with my teaching. I might decide to go on certain invitations & it might result in me showing others they better go there. of this I leave you to judge. If now I order 1 Doz VolumeAs Written:Vol. of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I will see if you are willing to deduct 40% & if so I will order many more. & if not I will order no more. If you extend this easy thing to aid me to travel & meet my expenses your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. will be first. but as you choose. I presume you have a Journal at ChicagoAs Written:Chic. for me & when I get it I will see what you offer “on last page.” If it is $1. a yearAs Written:yr. & you give a agentAs Written:agt. 25% off it will do. If you will send me 25 of the issue with my article I will send them to good ones. Send them to my address ChicagoAs Written:Chic.

Very truly
A J Swarts

Also Mrs. Gibson (she failed to leave her initials with her call on Mrs. Swarts) of Kalamazoo MichiganAs Written:Mich 214 Main st. who has paid near $300.Editorial Note: $300 in 1884 is the equivalent of $8,306.69 in 2017. in Christian Science & owns your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. wants to act in sale of them in her city. You can write her direct or reach her through us as you choose.

We are not SpiritualistsEditorial Note: From the first edition of Science and Health to the last, Mary Baker Eddy included a chapter explaining that the teachings and practices of Spiritualism are not in accord with Christian Science. The chapter was first entitled “Imposition and Demonstration,” and in later editions was titled “Christian Science and Spiritualism,” and finally, “Christian Science versus Spiritualism.” but a step higher, as we are Christian Scientists.

RespectfullyAs Written:Respy

A Swarts


Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mary B G Eddy
Boston Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts
Dear Sister

YoursEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. 28th ultExpanded:ultimately came to hand before wife & I came here to attend this fine SpiritualistEditorial Note: From the first edition of Science and Health to the last, Mary Baker Eddy included a chapter explaining that the teachings and practices of Spiritualism are not in accord with Christian Science. The chapter was first entitled “Imposition and Demonstration,” and in later editions was titled “Christian Science and Spiritualism,” and finally, “Christian Science versus Spiritualism.” Camp Meeting which began 3d Corrected: 3rd inst Corrected: instance & lasts til Corrected: till 26th. I did not feel the time had come for reply as I knew much fuller light was to come to me as to the path of duty.

Now I can report to you I am clear in the knowledge that my life must be put in for Truth & Humanity in the Metaphysical field. I stand in the light & there are many ways I can work to aid the general cause & you will hear of me after this as at it all the time. On another sheet I report the names of my late class at Chicago as also names of a class I have taught a course of 12 lessons in my tent on this ground. among these are found the prominent speakers from abroad the Prest.Expanded:President & Vice Prest.Expanded:President of the Iowa Conf.Expanded:Conference of SpiritualistsEditorial Note: From the first edition of Science and Health to the last, Mary Baker Eddy included a chapter explaining that the teachings and practices of Spiritualism are not in accord with Christian Science. The chapter was first entitled “Imposition and Demonstration,” and in later editions was titled “Christian Science and Spiritualism,” and finally, “Christian Science versus Spiritualism.” & I tell you I had many richly stored minds. At first lesson I took a vote of how many stand in the knowledge that all is Mind & there is no matter. 4 stood there. 1 that “all is Matter”. 15 that there is both Mind & Matter. at my 5th lesson or 6th I took the vote & two thirds of the whole class – it increased after the first lesson – voted that they stand clear now that matter is not real but that all is Mind or Spirit & that matter is not. I show clearly that if Mind is everywhere then Matter can be nowhere.

Many good people will go out from here to heal & to teach their friends that the “Mind Cure” is the thing. I have the dream & back bone of this lare Corrected: large Camp 100 tents & cottages of reformers in my class to go out to many states to advocate the cause & next year if here I can have a large class.

I told my class you will mail a sample copy of Journal to each one & if they wish to subscribe for it one year they may order through me or of you direct. Also I can work a nice bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. sale out of these classes if you & I both do the fair thing. so while I give their names to you I am to have Cr.Expanded:Credit of the sales. You do not hold out any inducement to me to turn my whole time & work to the sale of your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.. I did not regard it honest right in you or your clerk to only send me the Pamphlet “The Science of Man” for the .50Editorial Note: $.50 in 1884 is the equivalent of $13.84 in 2017. I sent when I wrote for the same kind you used in teaching Chicago with the large print. I know this pamphlet can be issued for 5 ctsEditorial Note: $.05 in 1884 is the equivalent of $1.38 in 2017. by the lot. It is not the money. but the mistake I look at. Now Sister Eddy though you are so busy & many among you & as you think interfere with your rights. let me say. a little time set apart by you to consideration of what is best for you to do towards the work & openings I will lead to this cause will not be lost time. I hope for a change in this apparent indifference. Else I hope it will grow a little more so. I know the thoughts with you & you wonder if I am going to your College & if many of my students will go & if I will be an injury or a help to you. Trust. I expect prompter reply to letters & to get a copy of Journal or two to work with I could have sent you the cash & 100 subs.Expanded:subscriptions for your Journal from this Meeting if I had even one copy. but I have not & not seen one since May. Do not even know how often it issues.

Now Ottumwa Ioa.Expanded:Iowa where the great healing institute has been so many years. chiefly Mind yet manipulating sales on me for a lot of your circulars & matters so they can work it up there. but here I have no hope of you sending a supply unless you have five times their cost. I say the hungry shall be fed if I accept offers made me to write matter & they will provide the means.

I expect to teach another class in Chic.Expanded:Chicago in Oct. & then I may go out to Ottumwa & Maquoketa Ioa.Expanded:Iowa strong centers of Spiritualists & where so many live who do half their treating by Mind. I may keep on writing other centers.

I cannot feel it duty to go to the expense of a trip to Boston & pay for tuition beside. Your students will never find fault with my teaching. I might decide to go on certain invitations & it might result in me showing others they better go there. of this I leave you to judge. If now I order 1 Doz Vol.Expanded:Volume of Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I will see if you are willing to deduct 40% & if so I will order many more. & if not I will order no more. If you extend this easy thing to aid me to travel & meet my expenses your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. will be first. but as you choose. I presume you have a Journal at Chic.Expanded:Chicago for me & when I get it I will see what you offer “on last page.” If it is $1. a yr.Expanded:year & you give a agtExpanded:agent. 25% off it will do. If you will send me 25 of the issue with my article I will send them to good ones. Send them to my address Chic.Expanded:Chicago

Very truly
A J Swarts

Also Mrs. Gibson (she failed to leave her initials with her call on Mrs. Swarts) of Kalamazoo MichExpanded:Michigan 214 Main st. who has paid near $300.Editorial Note: $300 in 1884 is the equivalent of $8,306.69 in 2017. in Christian Science & owns your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. wants to act in sale of them in her city. You can write her direct or reach her through us as you choose.

We are not SpiritualistsEditorial Note: From the first edition of Science and Health to the last, Mary Baker Eddy included a chapter explaining that the teachings and practices of Spiritualism are not in accord with Christian Science. The chapter was first entitled “Imposition and Demonstration,” and in later editions was titled “Christian Science and Spiritualism,” and finally, “Christian Science versus Spiritualism.” but a step higher, as we are Christian Scientists.


A Swarts


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This letter is not extant. From the first edition of Science and Health to the last, Mary Baker Eddy included a chapter explaining that the teachings and practices of Spiritualism are not in accord with Christian Science. The chapter was first entitled “Imposition and Demonstration,” and in later editions was titled “Christian Science and Spiritualism,” and finally, “Christian Science versus Spiritualism.” Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. $.50 in 1884 is the equivalent of $13.84 in 2017. $.05 in 1884 is the equivalent of $1.38 in 2017. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. $300 in 1884 is the equivalent of $8,306.69 in 2017. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. From the first edition of Science and Health to the last, Mary Baker Eddy included a chapter explaining that the teachings and practices of Spiritualism are not in accord with Christian Science. The chapter was first entitled “Imposition and Demonstration,” and in later editions was titled “Christian Science and Spiritualism,” and finally, “Christian Science versus Spiritualism.” From the first edition of Science and Health to the last, Mary Baker Eddy included a chapter explaining that the teachings and practices of Spiritualism are not in accord with Christian Science. The chapter was first entitled “Imposition and Demonstration,” and in later editions was titled “Christian Science and Spiritualism,” and finally, “Christian Science versus Spiritualism.”