Accession: 589.60.011
Editorial Title: Mattie Williams to Mary Baker Eddy, June 9, 1884
Author: Mattie Williams 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 9, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mattie Williams on embossed lined paper from Columbus, Wisconsin.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy.

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. so welcome reached me a few days since. Thanks dear teacher for the kindly interest you have ever manifested in me. The little expected article I am glad to know you do not condemn. I do not know however that it will be appropriate for the Journal [*]Editorial Note: No articles by Mattie Williams were ever published in The Christian Science Journal.. I thought as the sermon I criticized was published in Chicago there it should be met I sent it to you that you too might condemn if what I had written deserved to be I knew that you were my friend and reproof or correction from you would be for my good and dear Mrs Eddie don’t fear to speak your mind to me, I did not know but that I had committed an offence as not a word was returned with my article. That other article of mine was so terribly mutilated I wonder I ever had the courage to send a second. Had they consigned that to oblivion it would have been a kindness when they wrote me it was too lengthy I sent another brief article on Inspiration getting it in two days before the required time. That they cast aside as worthless I have a copy but not exact as I improved it some what in the second writing. I will as soon as possible send you a copy of that and another on Thought Pictures they doubtless are crude but both are original only as I copy from you you have taught me the way to think and have opened the way wherein I may walk God bless you is the cry of my heart day by day.

I might have known that the managers of Mind in NatureEditorial Note: This was a periodical being published at the time. Its full title was Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical, Medical, and Scientific Information. would have shown me no favor after my former experience with them. That little verse in quotation marks I had inserted after alluding to the creation and that was stuck in after the healing of the woman no mention of creation where I referred As Written: refered to prayer for GeneralAs Written:Generel Grant that I listened to the Sabbath previous where God was besought to heal him if it was His will so to do

You have well answered Bishop FallowsEditorial Note: Samuel Fallows. Fallows had written articles critical of Christian Science for the publication, Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical, Medical, and Scientific Information. See A10161 for Mary Baker Eddy’s response to Fallows’ articles.. Your article is complete No wise man answers a question before hearing it = Many are aping at wisdom but a fool in the way may note and smile at their folly –

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy.

Your letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. so welcome reached me a few days since. Thanks dear teacher for the kindly interest you have ever manifested in me. The little expected article I am glad to know you do not condemn. I do not know however that it will be appropriate for the Journal [*]Editorial Note: No articles by Mattie Williams were ever published in The Christian Science Journal.. I thought as the sermon I criticized was published in Chicago there it should be met I sent it to you that you too might condemn if what I had written deserved to be I knew that you were my friend and reproof or correction from you would be for my good and dear Mrs Eddie don’t fear to speak your mind to me, I did not know but that I had committed an offence as not a word was returned with my article. That other article of mine was so terribly mutilated I wonder I ever had the courage to send a second. Had they consigned that to oblivion it would have been a kindness when they wrote me it was too lengthy I sent another brief article on Inspiration getting it in two days before the required time. That they cast aside as worthless I have a copy but not exact as I improved it some what in the second writing. I will as soon as possible send you a copy of that and another on Thought Pictures they doubtless are crude but both are original only as I copy from you you have taught me the way to think and have opened the way wherein I may walk God bless you is the cry of my heart day by day.

I might have known that the managers of Mind in NatureEditorial Note: This was a periodical being published at the time. Its full title was Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical, Medical, and Scientific Information. would have shown me no favor after my former experience with them. That little verse in quotation marks I had inserted after alluding to the creation and that was stuck in after the healing of the woman no mention of creation where I refered Corrected: referred to prayer for GenerelCorrected:General Grant that I listened to the Sabbath previous where God was besought to heal him if it was His will so to do

You have well answered Bishop FallowsEditorial Note: Samuel Fallows. Fallows had written articles critical of Christian Science for the publication, Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical, Medical, and Scientific Information. See A10161 for Mary Baker Eddy’s response to Fallows’ articles.. Your article is complete No wise man answers a question before hearing it = Many are aping at wisdom but a fool in the way may note and smile at their folly –

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Columbus, Wisconsin This letter is not extant. No articles by Mattie Williams were ever published in The Christian Science Journal. This was a periodical being published at the time. Its full title was Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical, Medical, and Scientific Information. Samuel Fallows. Fallows had written articles critical of Christian Science for the publication, Mind in Nature: A Popular Journal of Psychical, Medical, and Scientific Information. See A10161 for Mary Baker Eddy’s response to Fallows’ articles.