Accession: 589.60.032
Editorial Title: Lucinda Willsie to Mary Baker Eddy, June 13, 1886
Author: Lucinda Willsie 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: June 13, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Lucinda Willsie on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy.

I am very anxious to come to you. to enter a class for the first course, this Fall. I have been through the first course with Miss Ellen Brown. I was her first Student- & when I went to her- about the second course- she said she did not teach it. & advised me to go to you & told me as you did not teach the second to anyone As Written: any one that had not taken the first at the college, to take the first one again. which I will be only too As Written: to glad to do. for I feel sure, it will be a great help to me. for I can understand now. so much better than I could at first. We have a very lovely teacher in Mrs. Brown. & we. her student, are very proud of her. she has been so patient, kind & helpful As Written: helpfull to us all. and I often feel- that I can never be grateful As Written: greatfull enough for all she has done for me.

I have now been in the work a year– Will you wish me. after I have taken the first course again As Written: agan of you– to demonstrate another year. before I take the second. I am perfectly willing, if you think best, for I want. to do well- all I do, For this is my lifework As Written: life work .– And a delightful work it is to me. For the more I understand. the more beautiful the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science grows– Will you write me when your As Written: you next class commences & all that will be necessary for me to know.

Very Respectfully
Miss L. Willsie
203 Dearborn Ave,
Chicago, IllinoisAs Written:Ill.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy.

I am very anxious to come to you. to enter a class for the first course, this Fall. I have been through the first course with Miss Ellen Brown. I was her first Student- & when I went to her- about the second course- she said she did not teach it. & advised me to go to you & told me as you did not teach the second to any one Corrected: anyone that did had not taken the first at the college, to take the first one again. which I will be only to Corrected: too glad to do. for I feel sure, it will be a great help to me. for I can understand now. so much better than I could at first. We have a very lovely teacher in Mrs. Brown. & we. her student, are very proud of her. she has been so patient, kind & helpfull Corrected: helpful to us all. and I often feel- that I can never be greatfull Corrected: grateful enough for all she has done for me.

I have now been in the work a year– Will you wish me. after I have taken the first course agan Corrected: again of you– to demonstrate another year. before I take the second. I am perfectly willing, if you think best, for I want. to do well- all I do, For this is my life work Corrected: lifework .– And a delightful work it is to me. For the more I understand. the more beautiful the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science grows– Will you write me when you Corrected: your next class commences & all that it will be necessary for me to know.

Very Respectfully
Miss L. Willsie
203 Dearborn Ave,
Chicago, Ill.Expanded:Illinois
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