Accession: 589.60.041
Editorial Title: Moses N. Wisewell to Mary Baker Eddy, October 16, 1884
Author: Moses N. Wisewell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 16, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Moses N. Wisewell from Boston, Massachusetts.
Final Edits
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Referring to our conversation of yesterday about Mrs Alden & Mrs Tyler, I neglected to Say, that so far as Mrs Tyler is concerned, She has seen that my advice, concerning the matter in which our differences occurred, was good and true – and she is now determined to perfect herself as far as possible – and you and your teaching is her ideal - of all that can be obtained – She is a good conscientious, and a very intelligent woman. She and Mrs Hazeltine are great friends, and if you can consistently allow her to Enter your class with Mrs H – I shall regard it as a favor – and will Endeavor to preserve the law of compensation – by trying to Secure you paying pupils -

Very Respectfully
M. N. Wisewell
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Referring to our conversation of yesterday about Mrs Alden & Mrs Tyler, I neglected to Say, that so far as Mrs Tyler is concerned, She has seen that my advice, concerning the matter in which our differences occurred, was good and true – and she is now determined to perfect herself as far as possible – and you and your teaching is her ideal - of all that can be obtained – She is a good conscientious, and a very intelligent woman. She and Mrs Hazeltine are great friends, and if you can consistently allow her to Enter your class with Mrs H – I shall regard it as a favor – and will Endeavor to preserve the law of compensation – by trying to Secure you paying pupils -

Very Respectfully
M. N. Wisewell
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