Accession: 589.60.044
Editorial Title: Moses N. Wisewell to Mary Baker Eddy, October 23, 1884
Author: Moses N. Wisewell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: October 23, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Moses N. Wisewell on lined printed stationery of the National Hotel, from Washington, D.C.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy.

Your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. and your circulars were duly received. Last Evening I gave a Metaphysical talk, in the Parlors, of Dr Donaldson of this city, to a company of 35, very intelligent ladies and gentlemen. They manifested deep interest in the subject – and were surprised and glad to know of your Institution. I have placed your circulars where I thought they “would do the most good”. I hope and Expect you will gather Some Students from here –

I presume Miss Jennie Royce is is [sic] with you by this time and hope Miss Phelps will be soon –

Wishing all success in your new and noble work. I am

Very Respectfully
Your friend
M. N. Wisewell
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs Eddy.

Your kind letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. and your circulars were duly received. Last Evening I gave a Metaphysical talk, in the Parlors, of Dr Donaldson of this city, to a company of 35, very intelligent ladies and gentlemen. They manifested deep interest in the subject – and were surprised and glad to know of your Institution. I have placed your circulars where I thought they “would do the most good”. I hope and Expect you will gather Some Students from here –

I presume Miss Jennie Royce is is [sic] with you by this time and hope Miss Phelps will be soon –

Wishing all success in your new and noble work. I am

Very Respectfully
Your friend
M. N. Wisewell
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This letter is not extant.