Accession: 592.60.020
Editorial Title: Debit Record, Mary Baker Eddy to E. D. Porter, May 29, 1884
Author: Calvin A. Frye 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 29, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Calvin A. Frye on embossed lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Editorial Note: Mary Baker Eddy taught a class in Chicago in May 1884.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Eddy
DebitAs Written:D
To E D Porter

1 Week Room Rent 20.00Editorial Note: $20.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $553.78 in 2017.

12 days Board 9.50Editorial Note: $9.50 in 1884 is the equivalent of $263.05 in 2017.

To Rent of 15 chairs As Written: Chers 2.80Editorial Note: $2.80 in 1884 is the equivalent of $77.53 in 2017.

/$32.30Editorial Note: $32.30 in 1884 is the equivalent of $894.35 in 2017.

ReceivedAs Written:Recevd PaymentsAs Written:Paymns in [?] Unclear or illegible  up to date.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs Eddy
To E D Porter

1 Week Room Rent 20.00Editorial Note: $20.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $553.78 in 2017.

12 days Board 9.50Editorial Note: $9.50 in 1884 is the equivalent of $263.05 in 2017.

To Rent of 15 Chers Corrected: chairs 2.80Editorial Note: $2.80 in 1884 is the equivalent of $77.53 in 2017.

/$32.30Editorial Note: $32.30 in 1884 is the equivalent of $894.35 in 2017.

RecevdExpanded:Received PaymnsExpanded:Payments in [?] Unclear or illegible  up to date.

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$20.00 in 1884 is the equivalent of $553.78 in 2017. $9.50 in 1884 is the equivalent of $263.05 in 2017. $2.80 in 1884 is the equivalent of $77.53 in 2017. $32.30 in 1884 is the equivalent of $894.35 in 2017.