Accession: 593A.61.022
Editorial Title: Harriet A. Curtis to Mary Baker Eddy, March 21, 1881
Author: Harriet A. Curtis 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 21, 1881
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Harriet A. Curtis on both lined and unlined paper.
Editorial Note: Curtis says that her object in writing is to thank Eddy for Science and Health. She calls it a priceless gift that "cannot be reckoned by dollars and cents." She continues by writing at length about her sister's anxiety regarding her daughter and various treatments that have been attempted. Curtis then talks about two of her own healing experiences and how she prayed and cared for her own daughter when she was sick with typhoid fever. She says that when she was caring for her daughter, she was wholly unconscious of anything else. Now, when in a sick room with family or friends, she finds that she has no fear and God's strength is sufficient for her. She concludes by asking Eddy's forgiveness for anything she's written that is not in accord with Eddy's views but says that it has come from a depth of feeling she could not smother.
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