,,Yours of Aug. 16thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. is before me. Its false representations & base insinuations do not merit a reply, but in justice to myself & truth, which you so beautifully teach, but miserably fail to live in, I feel it a duty to once more devote a short time, to direct the shaft of my just indignation at your paper castle of egotism & scatter it to the four winds of Heaven. I propose to show to you that your threats are not only harmless, but are false to your Science, & that your poor apology of a letter contains false statements, & if the exigency of the case requires, I shall further show that during & preceding As Written: preceeding the class I was in, you made contradictory statements, part of which can be testified to by others. —
On the first page of yours of the 16th instantAs Written:inst. you say I "demand" $500.Editorial Note: $500 in 1871 is the equivalent of $10,607.04 in 2020. of you. This is not so. I "requested" or "asked" that you refund to me or pay me $500. & did not make a demand. You say you owe me nothing neither do you ever intend to. I did not say you did, only in justice, as in justice we are taught to refund money to our patients when we fail to do them good. —
You call my mention of the fact of Mrs. S's. & Dr K.'s unhappiness, "gossip". If truth is gossip, then that, I admit, was gossip. But this slight to that portion of my letter does not hide the fact which I mentioned, & I further reiterate, that you purposely avoid mentioning the unhappiness which your students generally experience, knowing you would not be able to organize a class & therefore lose money by the operation. — You say the happiness of life is in doing right. I can do right out of Science as well as in it. If your course is an example of right in science, then deliver me from it, & let me dwell with the World's As Written: Worlds people where honest dealings will be met with equal honesty, or where we are guarded from the misdealings of dishonesty. To be happy & useful is in my power, but do not talk to me of your example, if I would be happy & useful. — The chemicalEditorial Note: This is a reference to “chemicalization,” a term used by Mary Baker Eddy to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed. you say I am in has been with me most of the time since I took this up, as I am "floored" in argument with myself, & cannot sustain the positions your manuscriptsAs Written:Mss'. take. And my conversations with Mrs. S. are far from satisfactory, as the weight of my arguments crushes any she is able to bring forward on the side of Science. — You might know what I meant by "social enjoyment" if you were in truth yourself, & did not put a low construction upon that which plainly implied honest enjoyment, which an upright mingling with good society, & cultivation of social tastes bring. — Now about the bit of gossip you hint at setting afloatAs Written:a float with regard to myself. Is this another way you have of illustrating the golden ruleMatt 7:12 Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets. Luke 6:31 And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise. in which you claim your happiness lays? This unladylike, abusive & unjust threat, (if you intended it as a threat, ) to intimidate me from pursuing the path I have taken, (& thus thrown out as a protection from further developments, which must be far from pleasant to you,) falls harmless upon me, understanding better than you, how far from truth your professed ability to read a person'sAs Written:persons' thoughts & motives has led you. Therefore let me, your student, whom you should teach, give you a lesson here, viz; that such idle gossip as you propose, not only fails to accomplish that which its originator intended, but leads you from Christianity, into the evil path of sin, & serves to prove the material from which it comes. It further shows that you would compromise yourself & your Science by stooping to this low method of injuring As Written: injurying a fellow being's As Written: beings standing in community, for the sake of revenge or to further your selfish motives, & thus gives me assurance that the opinion I have formed of you is too correct to need much alteration. — You may call my letters ungentlemanly & insulting. They are not written in that spirit, but in the spirit of just indignation at the course you have pursued & are pursuing, containing nothing but truth, coming from one who so far as truthfulness is concerned, feels able to show you the path of right which for the peace of your future you better conclude to follow. I feel that I am justified in this course, and any attempt to cower me by threat of gossip, or any like idle & feeble attempts at intimidation, will not swerve me away from truth. But on the contrary will goad me on still farther, & if the publication of our correspondence is necessary for my defense As Written: defence against any vilifying gossip you may see fit to promulgate, then these letters will be published, together with such other developments as I am able to make. You will please to understand that not a threat is made or intended in this or any previous letter, but simply my intentions of defending myself to the end. Once more I ask as a favor, that which by your evasion of my previous request you denied me, viz. A copy of the paper we all signed on entering or during the class. A verbatim copy. — It would please me much to see this Science in the hands of someoneAs Written:some one better fitted to represent & develop As Written: develope it, & if perfection is in it, to bring this out to the public, aside from selfish motives of gain. Until this is done it must be continually shaken by argument which cannotAs Written:can not be contradicted, & finally if not truth, it must fall, or run into & mingle with magnetism, mesmerism et ceteraAs Written:& c. You say you were not able to interpret my letter of July 9thEditorial Note: This letter is not extant., But I trust the truth & plain English of this will not be so foreign to your understanding, as to render it unintelligible.