July 24, 1886
Enclosed please find Postal Order for $3.77Editorial Note: $3.77 in 1886 is the equivalent of $117.37 in 2022. for the following works as advertised in "Christian Science Journal" for July: as sent:––
"Science & Health" with keyEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy et ceteraAs Written:&c 3.00Editorial Note: $3.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $93.40 in 2022.
Postage on same .17Editorial Note: $0.17 in 1886 is the equivalent of $5.29 in 2022.
"Christian Healing"– 17 page pampletAs Written:pamphl,t .25Editorial Note: $0.25 in 1886 is the equivalent of $7.78 in 2022.
"The Peoples God" et ceteraAs Written:&c .25Editorial Note: $0.25 in 1886 is the equivalent of $7.78 in 2022.
"Mental Healing"– 24 pages .10Editorial Note: $0.10 in 1886 is the equivalent of $3.11 in 2022.
$3.77Editorial Note: $3.77 in 1886 is the equivalent of $117.37 in 2022.
Union Co Marysville
P. S.
Being favorably impressed with the philosophy of the "Mind Cure" theory: so far as I understand it: – I desire information in regard to the advertisement of the "Metaphysical College" as to the time & tuition required. If I understand it the "Collegiate Course" includes 12 lessons only, & continues "about 3 weeks" at a charge of $300Editorial Note: $300.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $9,340.08 in 2022..–?
The "course in Physical & Metaphysical Obstetrics" includes "six lectures" only, tuition $100Editorial Note: $100.00 in 1886 is the equivalent of $3,113.36 in 2022..–?
"Class in Theology"– six additional lectures only - tuition $200Editorial Note: $200.00 In 1886 is the equivalent of $6,226.72 in 2022..–?
"Normal Class"- six lectures- $200Editorial Note: $200.00 In 1886 is the equivalent of $6,226.72 in 2022..–?
The date of no session or "Course" being advertised, I presume they recur quite often = perhaps monthly or weekly? I would like definite information– so I may know when to go.– The length of the "Courses" or number of "lessons" given– seeming so disproportionate to the "tuition", required,– that wife contends that I have misunderstood your advertisement. Will you please fully advise me.
Very truly Yours
S. C. Adams
[*]Archival Note: A printed clipping is inserted here.