Accession: 641P2.65.024
Editorial Title: Laura H. Allen to Mary Baker Eddy, February 5, 1885
Author: Laura H. Allen 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Mary Baker Eddy  Calvin A. Frye 
Date: February 5, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Laura H. Allen on lined paper from Pawtucket, Rhode Island.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy and Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyTell her you receiveAs Written:receave my letters but give no such letters to Mrs Eddy
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans

Please excuse my boldness in addressing you for your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy says you have no time for consultation nor take any patients But in belief I am suffering so that I feel this morning I will write believing you are such a good woman and so much more spiritual than any of your students can be that you will help me. I have no money to pay you so you will think it very strange for me to come to you no doubt

I have been under treatment with Mr Bradly of Tremont St. BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts for 2 months for dropsy As Written: dropsey and other weaknesses Indeed I did not seem to have a whole part in my body when I applied to him Had 2 Doctors Homoeopathic first but grew so bad changed to an Allopathic As Written: Alopathic His treatment for the dropsy gave me great relief so that I could rest

Could get no rest day or night for weeks before I got him tried all known remedies for the kidneys without receiving any benefit with both Doctors The last Dr. told me my heart was so bad that nothing much could be done for the dropsy And he thought my kidneys so nearly gone that nothing but a new set As Written: sett could help me He tapped me once which gave me relief As Written: rilief but still my kidneys acted no better So he said all he could do was to make me as comfortable as possible and told my Husband he thought I would finally die of heart-disease

I had heard of the Christian Scientists making wondrous cures did not understand their manner of doing but thought I would apply to them and see if they thought it worthwhileAs Written:worth while to take my case was recommended As Written: reccomended to Mr Bradly and under his treatment seemed to gain in every way but in the belief of dropsy And from reading your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy had no doubt I should soon be healed of that and all other beliefs of sickness As I had been tapped but a few weeks before applying to him the swelling had all gone out of my legs into my body & I could walk about the house some but was careful not to drink much so that the swelling did not increase much Under his treatment he told me to eat & drink whatever I wanted I did so but my kidneys did not act any more So I, commenced to swell more and continue that way till now my body is so heavy and my feet & legs so large I can hardly move cannot dress or undress without help and can hardly walk at all do not make a half pint of water in 24 hrs Mr Bradly is very kind and doing all he can but cannot seem to make any change what water passes off is thick & dark during the last few weeks I am greatly troubled with a sour stomach It seems as though my food goes down a little way till it meets the water and then Sours but much of it comes up but a dark kind of water mostly so sour it seems to skin me all the way and leaves me so sore I can hardly eat or drink anything excepting milk In fact have no appetite for eating, take an egg & milk for breakfast and through the day a little bread and milk at meal times, and my stomach seems to sour after I eat every time but do not vomit always did this morning about ½ a pt of the dark water but not much of my egg

When I wrote to Mr Bradly of the first spell He said I had a chemicalEditorial Note: This is a reference to “chemicaliation,” a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed. and was on the gaining side But in belief I am no better yet. My face is dark & swollen every morning, even my hands are puffed up & skin cracked As Written: craked And my legs are getting sore to the touch and are deathly cold most of the time I am the only person around here who has tried the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science Many are waiting to see if I am healed to apply for treatment themselves as they did not expect I could ever get well I seem to have gained in every way but in the belief of dropsy And if that is not cured people will have no faith in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science

Oh! how I long to be healed of all error, and be able to go forth and proclaim what God has done for me through Christian Science for I think it is the only true religion I want so much to be rid of all beliefs of sickness all Mortal Error for I fully realize that tis only Mortal Mind which says I am sick or have any disease And I keep denying the evidence As Written: Evedence of the Senses all I can But cannot seem to gain any on the dropsy it rather seems to gain Oh! I think you are so Spiritual you can heal me so much quicker Will you not put your mind on my case please? When I read your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy sometimes I have such a longing to see & talk with you For I know you could help me sooner I am only 30 yearsAs Written:yrs of age My monthly coursesEditorial Note: menstruation stopped after I had been sick for about 2 months I have had no show since do not know if that makes any difference in treating my case I am not writing you because I have lost Faith in Mr Bradly not at all I think a great deal of him and would not do anything to injure him I paid him as long as I had money But my Husband getting out of work have not been able to send any for the last 4 or 5 weeks but he treats me just the same

I long to be healed and become a Student to be able to heal others

I trust I shall be a better woman and become more spiritual lead a more Godly life through Christian Science As Written: science than I have ever done I feel as if I understand God better and want to reflect Him in perfect Image & likeness of Himself as he made me as I am in Truth only I cannot rid myself of this Mortal error this swollen body please give me a little attention and cause me to be healed through Christ, the great Metaphysician And may the blessings of God be with you always

P. S. Please excuse the writing my hands are so unsteady

L- H- A-

Laura H. Allen

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyTell her you receaveCorrected:receive all my letters andbut give no such letters to Mrs Eddy
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered

Please excuse my boldness in addressing you for your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy says you have no time for consultation nor take any patients But in belief I am suffering so that I feel this morning I will write believing you are such a good woman and so much more spiritual than any of your students can be that you will help me. I have no money to pay you so you will think it very strange for me to come to you no doubt

I have been under treatment with Mr Bradly of Tremont St. BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts for 2 months for dropsey Corrected: dropsy and other weaknesses Indeed I did not seem to have a whole part in my body when I applied to him Had 2 Doctors Homoeopathic first but grew so bad changed to an Alopathic Corrected: Allopathic His treatment for the dropsy gave me great relief so that I could rest

Could get no rest day or night for weeks before I got him tried all known remedies for the kidneys without receiving any benefit with both Doctors The last Dr. told me my heart was so bad that nothing much could be done for the dropsy And he thought my kidneys so nearly gone that nothing but a new sett Corrected: set could help me He tapped me once which gave me rilief Corrected: relief but still my kidneys acted no better So he said all he could do was to make me as comfortable as possible and told my Husband he thought I would finally die of heart-disease

I had heard of the Christian Scientitsts making wondrous cures did not understand their manner of doing but thought I would apply to them and see if they thought it worth whileCorrected:worthwhile to take my case was reccomended Corrected: recommended to Mr Bradly and under his treatment seemed to gain in every way but in the belief of dropsy And from reading your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy had no doubt I should soon be healed of that and all other beliefs of sickness As I had been tapped but a few weeks before applying to him the swelling had all gone out of my legs into my body & I could walk about the house some but was careful not to drink much so that the swelling did not increase much Under his treatment he told me to eat & drink whatever I wanted I did so but my kidneys did not act any more So I, commenced to swell more and continue that way till now my body is so heavy and my feet & legs so large I can hardly move cannot dress or undress without help and can hardly walk at all do not make a half pint of water in 24 hrs Mr Bradly is very kind and doing all he can but cannot seem to make any change what water passes off is thick & dark during the last few weeks I am greatly troubled with a sour stomach It seems as though my food goes down a little way till it meets the water and then Sours but much of it comes up but a dark kind of water mostly so sour it seems to skin me all the way and leaves me so sore I can hardly eat or drink anything excepting milk In fact have no appetite for eating, take an egg & milk for breakfast and through the day a little bread and milk at meal times, and my stomach seems to sour after I eat every time but do not vomit always did this morning about ½ a pt of the dark water but not much of my egg

When I wrote to Mr Bradly of the first spell He said I had a chemicalEditorial Note: This is a reference to “chemicaliation,” a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed. and was on the gaining side But in belief I am no better yet. My face is dark & swollen every morning, even my hands are puffed up & skin craked Corrected: cracked And my legs are getting sore to the touch and are deathly cold most of the time I am the only person around here who has tried the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science Many are waiting to see if I am healed to apply for treatment themselves as they did not expect I could ever get well I seem to have gained in every way but in the belief of dropsy And if that is not cured people will have no faith in the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science

Oh! how I long to be healed of all error, and be able to go forth and proclaim what God has done for me through Christian Science for I think it is the only true religion I want so much to be rid of all beliefs of sickness all Mortal Error for I fully realize that tis only Mortal Mind which says I am sick or have any disease And I keep denying the Evedence Corrected: evidence of the Senses all I can But cannot seem to gain any on the dropsy it rather seems to gain Oh! I think you are so Spiritual you can heal me so much quicker Will you not put your mind on my case please? When I read your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy sometimes I have such a longing to see & talk with you For I know you could help me sooner I am only 30 yrsExpanded:years of age My monthly coursesEditorial Note: menstruation stopped after I had been sick for about 2 months I have had no show since do not know if that makes any difference in treating my case I am not writing you because I have lost Faith in Mr Bradly not at all I think a great deal of him and would not do anything to injure him I paid him as long as I had money But my Husband getting out of work have not been able to send any for the last 4 or 5 weeks but he treats me just the same

I long to be healed and become a Student to be able to heal others

I trust I shall be a better woman and become more spiritual lead a more gGodly life through Christian science Corrected: Science than I have ever done I feel as if I understand God better and want to reflect Him in perfect Image & likeness of Himself as he made me as I am in Truth only I cannot rid myself of this Mortal error this swollen body please give me a little attention and cause me to be healed through Christ, the great Metaphysician And may the blessings of God be with you always

P. S. Please excuse the writing my hands are so unsteady

L- H- A-

Laura H. Allen

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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Boston, Massachusetts Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy This is a reference to “chemicaliation,” a term Mary Baker Eddy used to refer to a temporary stirring up of symptoms or process of “fermentation” as errors of various types are being destroyed. Christian Science Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy menstruation