Accession: 648B.67.042
Editorial Title: Katharine Blythe to Mary Baker Eddy, September 27, 1885
Author: Katharine Blythe 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 27, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Katharine Blythe on unlined paper from San Jose, California.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

This little missive is sent forth upon the sea of uncertainty with but few watermarksAs Written:water-marks to guide it but I trust As Written: trus that it will reach, in time its destined haven.

What are the necessary qualifications to become proficient in your mode of treatmentsEditorial Note: Christian Science? Is there any possibility of my becoming as adept at this distance. Can you put me on the road to help myself. What are your charges for a course of instruction?

Respectfully As Written: Resptfuly
Katharine Blythe
San José
CaliforniaAs Written:Cal -
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

This little missive is sent forth upon the sea of uncertainty with but few water-marksCorrected:watermarks to guide it but I trus Corrected: trust that it will reach, in time its destined haven.

What are the necessary qualifications to become proficient in your mode of treatmentsEditorial Note: Christian Science? Is there any possibility of my becoming as adept at this distance. Can you put me on the road to help myself. What are your charges for a course of instruction?

Resptfuly Corrected: Respectfully
Katharine Blythe
San José
Cal -Expanded:California
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