Accession: 655.69.065
Editorial Title: Mrs. C. M. Caswell to Mary Baker Eddy, March 30, 1885
Author: Mrs. C. M. Caswell 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: March 30, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mrs. C. M. Caswell on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Please address -
Mrs. C. M. Caswell -
786. W. Madison St.
IllinoisAs Written:Ills -
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsweredAs Written:Ans Apr 3

Having taken up the study of metaphysics and finding a few knotty problems I find no one here who can satisfy my inquisitiveness.

I would most gladly go to you and make a thorough investigation and study of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science (a smattering is distasteful to me) but are at present unable financially to do so -

For the sake of the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science - that correct demonstrations may be brought about I trust you will elucidate two or three questions for me. First -

When perfect results are not obtained from treatment DoctorAs Written:Dr - Says " you use magnetism" but he does not explain the difference - or the dividing line between the correct method and magnetism, how can one distinguish As Written: distinguis he simply says "there is the point" - but does not explain it - I have not been able to get an answer from anyoneAs Written:any one - Is it the faith - the degree of spirituality in the operator -?


If God is Omnipresent He As Written: he is everywhereAs Written:every where - then he must occupy the space supposed to be occupied by All matter - and must He As Written: he not permeate in some way - His As Written: his Idea - man, Else is He As Written: he Omnipresent! then would he not be in man?

I. EsdrasEditorial Note: I Esdras is considered to be one of the books of the Old Testament Apocrapha. - XVI. 61st.

"He made man and put his heart into the midst of his body and gave him life breath and understanding," and -

Luke - XVII. 21stLuke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. .

“The Kingdom of God is within you.”Editorial Note: Many modern translations of the New Testament favor translating this as "the kingdom of God is among you."

3d If the opposite As Written: opposit of Truth is Error - and the first light spoken of in I. GenesisGen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. - was the light of God's presence - and darkness - (Error) - was simply the "oppositeAs Written:opposit" of that light - was not Darkness - (Error) coeval with light - (Truth)? and what was the origin of the darkness who the creator? For "God is invulnerable" & sin unknown to him -


If there is no Personal God or material man - what is the "Perfect Model" we are to keep in mind in demonstrating? Can we conceive of anything perfect but God - and what kind of a "model," I cannot conceive of God as a model or anything tangibleAs Written:tangeable - and If man is his shadow or reflection what shall the creation of our Imagination resemble - one says - "take a beautiful rose" - but a rose is material - a belief - Can mortal, mind hold a perfect model?

I confess I am in the dark. and although I think the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is very correct and concise - and I accept the theory of nonentity of matter et ceteraAs Written:&c - and am willing to accept your lovely and true version of the Scriptures - I Sadly regret my inability to come under your immediate supervision - & receive a thorough mental training (which I hope to do in the near future) you will confer the greatest favor by as prompt a reply as convenient for I know you want these demonstrations to be done correctly -

Yours Very Kindly -
Mrs C M. Caswell -
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Please address -
Mrs. C. M. Caswell -
786. W. Madison St.
IllsExpanded:Illinois -
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeAnsExpanded:Answered Apr 3

Having taken up the study of metaphysics and finding a few knotty problems I find no one here who can satisfy my inquisitiveness.

I would most gladly go to you and make a thorough investigation and study of the ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science (a smattering is distasteful to me) but are at present unable financially to do so -

For the sake of the causeEditorial Note: The cause of Christian Science - that correct demonstrations may be brought about I trust you will elucidate two or three questions for me. First -

When perfect results are not obtained from treatment DrExpanded:Doctor - Says " you used magnetism" but he does not explain the difference - or the dividing line between the correct method and magnetism, how can one distinguis Corrected: distinguish he simply says "there is the point" - but does not explain it - I have not been able to get an answer from any oneCorrected:anyone - Is it the faith - the degree of spirituality in the operator -?


If God is Omnipresent he Corrected: He is every whereCorrected:everywhere - then he must occupy the space supposed to be occupied by All matter - and he must he Corrected: He not permeate in some way - his Corrected: His Idea - man, Else is he Corrected: He Omnipresent! then would he not be in man?

I. EsdrasEditorial Note: I Esdras is considered to be one of the books of the Old Testament Apocrapha. - XVI. 61st.

"He made man and put his heart into the midst of his body and gave him life breath and understanding," and -

Luke - XVII. 21stLuke 17:21 Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you. .

“The Kingdom of God is within you.”Editorial Note: Many modern translations of the New Testament favor translating this as "the kingdom of God is among you."

3d If the opposit Corrected: opposite of Truth is Error - and the first light spoken of in I. GenesisGen 1:3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light. - was the light of God's presence - and darkness - (Error) - was simply the "oppositCorrected:opposite" of that light - was not Darkness - (Error) coeval with light - (Truth)? and what was the origin of the darkness who the creator? For "God is invulnerable" & sin unknown to him -


If there is no Personal God or material man - what is the "Perfect Model" we are to keep in mind in demonstrating? Can we conceive of anything perfect but God - and what kind of a "model," I cannot conceive of God as a model or anything tangeableCorrected:tangible - and If man is his shadow or reflection what shall the creation of our Imagination resemble - one says - "take a beautiful rose" - but a rose is material - a belief - Can mortal, mind hold a perfect model?

I confess I am in the dark. and although I think the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science is very correct and concise - and I accept the theory of nonentity of matter &cExpanded:et cetera - and am willing to accept your lovely and true version of the Scriptures - I Sadly regret my inability to come under your immediate supervision - & receive a thorough mental training (which I hope to do in the near future) you will confer the greatest favor by as prompt a reply as convenient for I know you want these demonstrations to be done correctly -

Yours Very Kindly -
Mrs C M. Caswell -
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Christian Science The cause of Christian Science I Esdras is considered to be one of the books of the Old Testament Apocrapha. Many modern translations of the New Testament favor translating this as "the kingdom of God is among you." Christian Science