⇉ Handshift:A. C. CoatesPhiladelphia November
22 1884
I have Not Been Able to Work for More Than Two As Written: Too 2 years have been Sick I Am Much better As Written: beter but Not Well yet had Typhoid Fever & Malaria As Written: Meulara & Hemorrhages As Written: Hemorages Was A Complete wreck As Written: reck My Eyes Are very Weak As Written: Week & Burn & Water But Not Sore have Catarrh In head Eyeballs As Written: Eye balls Pain Doctor Said Enlarged Liver kidneys Badly Affected Bleeding Piles Am A great deal better But Not Well I Was down to HammontonEditorial Note: Hammonton, New Jersey visiting & Met Mrs Fannie Who Once As Written: One Lived In State of Maine As Written: Main
She told Me one of your As Written: yours Students Healed As Written: Heald her Said She had No faith In her Science As Written: Cience of healing But Was forced As Written: forsed to Acknowledge As Written: Acnolage She Healed her & She Never Seen Her She Loaned Me A Book Called Cience & Health by Mary Baker GloverEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. & I have Read it With great As Written: geat Interest As Written: Intret I used to be A Methodist But the Bible Was So Contradictory The Way they Explained It I Was Almost Ready to throw As Written: through It one Side But your As Written: youre Work Explained It Beautifully As Written: Beautifuly To My Mind tell Me If you have As Written: hav Wrote Another As Written: Anothr Edition & Whether As Written: Wether I Can get them In Philadelphia As Written: Philadelpia
Please As Written: Pleas have Patience As Written: Patiens With Me While I Make My Statement & Excuse All Bad Spelling As Written: Speling & Writing Now What I Would Like to heal Me & that Is Still the Proof I Want of the Science As Written: Cience Please As Written: Pleas Answer this Letter
Address As Written: Addess 1928 Reeds St.
Philadelphia As Written: Philadelpia Pa
I Was About to Investigate As Written: Invetigate Spiritualism When I Accidentally As Written: Accidentialy or Providentially As Written: Providentily got your BookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. & I think It Meets My Wants & Will Prove A great Blessing To Me & the World of Mankind When understood I Am glad I found your BookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. It has Brushed the Mist & fog from Before My Eyes & Explained A great Many As Written: Memy things that Was full of Mystery As Written: Mistry that Now Seems Plain I Am Searching After truth I Am going down the Shady Side of the hill of Life & Want to Live Right I Am In My 67 year But you Would Not Take to be More than 45 Perhaps I have As Written: hav Wrote More than you Care To hear Please As Written: Bleas Excuse Me & Answer this As Written: thihs Letter