Accession: 658A.70.017
Editorial Title: Kitty A. Cogar to Mary Baker Eddy, January 26, 1885
Author: Kitty A. Cogar 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: January 26, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Kitty A. Cogar on lined paper from Paris, Bourbon County, Kentucky.
Archival Note: This letter includes shorthand in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. Mary B. Eddy
Boston, MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
Dear Mrs. Eddy: -

Some months since I wrote you a letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. and have never receivedAs Written:rec’d any reply, but still hoping that you will find time to attend to my call – I try again – This time for myself As Written: my self and daughter – I have been under treatment of Miss. Ellen Brown (C.S) of Chicago IllinoisAs Written:Ills. for the past 6 months for deafness, having been afflicted for about 40 yrs. & as yet can see no improvement – but I have not lost one iota of my faith in the “Christian ScienceAs Written:C.S”.

I have read your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy until I almost knew them by heart – I know if you treat me I shall be healed, so I write again pleading with you to name the price and undertake my case.

My daughter is afflicted, the Drs. say, with womb trouble which affects As Written: effects her head - & I very much fear she will someday As Written: some day lose As Written: loose her mind – In her behalf I beg you to listen to my pleadings –

I have so much faith and confidence in you that I would love above everything to be near enough to attend your church & receive instructions of you.

In the name of your Mother, and for the sake of the love you bear her I ask that you will treat my daughter and me, for I do not merely believe but I know you can heal us both.

I enclose $100Editorial Note: $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.45 in 2019. for which please send me whichever As Written: which ever pamphlet or sermons you consider best for the price. I will leave it to your judgement –

I have just receivedAs Written:rec’d a letter from Miss Brown and she has given up my case because she is too busy to give me the proper attention, so I beg you the more earnestly to treat me.

When you send your book please write me a line & tell me what your decision is - & if it be favorable & you state your price I will send the money immediately.

You don’t As Written: dont know what a Christian you have made me –

Again I beg of you to give ear to my prayer & treat me.

I am
RespectfullyAs Written:Respt
Mrs. Kitty Cogar.
Box 46.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. Mary B. Eddy
Boston, Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts
Dear Mrs. Eddy: -

Some months since I wrote you a letterEditorial Note: This letter is not extant. and have never rec’dExpanded:received any reply, but still hoping that you will find time to attend to my call – I try again – This time for my self Corrected: myself and daughter – I have been under treatment of Miss. Ellen Brown (C.S) of Chicago Ills.Expanded:Illinois for the past 6 months for deafness, having been afflicted for about 40 yrs. & as yet can see no improvement – but I have not lost one iota of my faith in the “C.SExpanded:Christian Science”.

I have read your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy until I almost knew them by heart – I know if you treat me I shall be healed, so I write again pleading with you to name the price and undertake my case.

My daughter is afflicted, the Drs. say, with womb trouble which effects Corrected: affects her head - & I very much fear she will some day Corrected: someday loose Corrected: lose her mind – In her behalf I beg you to listen to my pleadings –

I have so much faith and confidence in you that I would love above everything to be near enough to attend your church & receive instructions of you.

In the name of your Mother, and for the sake of the love you bear her I ask that you will treat my daughter and me, for I do not merely believe but I know you can heal us both.

I enclose $100Editorial Note: $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.45 in 2019. for which please send me which ever Corrected: whichever pamphlet or sermons you consider best for the price. I will leave it to your judgement –

I have just rec’dExpanded:received a letter from Miss Brown and she has given up my case because she is too busy to give me the proper attention, so I beg you the more earnestly to treat me.

When you send your book please write me a line & tell me what your decision is - & if it be favorable & you state your price I will send the money immediately.

You dont Corrected: don’t know what a Christian you have made me –

Again I beg of you to give ear to my prayer & treat me.

I am
Mrs. Kitty Cogar.
Box 46.
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This letter is not extant. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy $1.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $26.45 in 2019.