Accession: 661A.71.014
Editorial Title: Hattie H. Danforth to Mary Baker Eddy, January 16, 1885
Author: Hattie H. Danforth 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: January 16, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Hattie H. Danforth on lined paper from Springfield, Massachusetts.
Archival Note: This letter includes a notation in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeDo you believe in spirits communicate with you?
Send CurriculumAs Written:Cur
Sent Jan 19

I have read of your Cures and lecture course where in twelve hours one may acquire the knowledge of healing the sick. I understand we receive help or the power direct from God? Will you please send me your terms & particulars = I am quite interested, and would like to take the Lecture course if I can possible arrange to do so

will you also tell me what my expenses would be per week in your city .. My work is dressmaking but I have very poor health and this winter, am doing but very little.

I have a gift of “secondAs Written:sechond sight” some call it and years ago I was told that unless I gave up and done as the Good Lord wanted me to As Written: too my health and Strength would be taken from me = that certainly has come true .. and it has seemed to me that the past year has been the most trying one of all, For everythingAs Written:every thing I have tried to do has been a failure .. I have myselfAs Written:my self to take care of and must do somethingAs Written:some thing ..

If I go to Boston perhaps I can find something to do that will help pay my expenses..

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeDo you believe in spirits communicate with you?
Send CurExpanded:Curriculum
Sent Jan 19

I have read of your Cures and lecture course where in twelve hours one may acquire the knowledge of healing the sick. I understand we receive help or the power direct from God? Will you please send me your terms & particulars = I am quite interested, and would like to take the Lecture course if I can possible arrange to do so

will you also tell me what my expenses would be per week in your city .. My work is dressmaking but I have very poor health and this winter, am doing but very little.

I have a gift of “sechondCorrected:second sight” some call it and years ago I was told that unless I gave up and done as the Good Lord wanted me too Corrected: to my health and Strength would be taken from me = that certainly has come true .. and it has seemed to me that the past year has been the most trying one of all, For every thingCorrected:everything I have tried to do has been a failure .. I have my selfCorrected:myself to take care of and must do some thingCorrected:something ..

If I go to Boston perhaps I can find something to do that will help pay my expenses..

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