Accession: 662A.71.053
Editorial Title: Helen Densmore to Mary Baker Eddy, July 22, 1884
Author: Helen Densmore 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Scribe: E. F. O. 
Date: July 22, 1884
Manuscript Description: Dictated letter from Helen Densmore to Mary Baker Eddy and typewritten by E. F. O. (as scribe) on printed stationery of Dr. Helen Densmore and Dr. Harriet Warren, from New York, New York.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Friend: --

I have been thinking to write you ever since I saw you in Boston a few weeks ago, but when I think of writing, there are so many things that rush to be said, that it seems to me like a hopeless task.

I have read the first volume of your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy – each chapter with deepened interest. I cannot grasp it; -- I cannot understand it, sufficiently at least to think that I can make any part of it my own.

I am attracted to Boston as to a magnet, and am going again on Thursday evening, to spend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday next, when with your kind permission, I shall see you again.

You said the last time I saw you that you were coming to New YorkEditorial Note: New York, New York sometime. I want to find out when, and all about it if you can tell me, and more than all, I want to see you again. Will it be too much trouble tor you to drop me a note to the care of Mrs. Tyler, 67 Dover streetAs Written:st., Boston, and tell me when it will be most convenient for me to call?

Very sincerely yours,
Helen Densmore

Per E.F.O.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
My dear Friend: --

I have been thinking to write you ever since I saw you in Boston a few weeks ago, but when I think of writing, there are so many things that rush to be said, that it seems to me like a hopeless task.

I have read the first volume of your bookEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy – each chapter with deepened interest. I cannot grasp it; -- I cannot understand it, sufficiently at least to think that I can make any part of it my own.

I am attracted to Boston as to a magnet, and am going again on Thursday evening, to spend Friday, Saturday, and Sunday next, when with your kind permission, I shall see you again.

You said the last time I saw you that you were coming to New YorkEditorial Note: New York, New York sometime. I want to find out when, and all about it if you can tell me, and more than all, I want to see you again. Will it be too much trouble tor you to drop me a note to the care of Mrs. Tyler, 67 Dover st.Expanded:street, Boston, and tell me when it will be most convenient for me to call?

Very sincerely yours,
Helen Densmore

Per E.F.O.

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New York, New York Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy New York, New York