Yours of August 7th.Editorial Note: See V00823 received.
My friend writes me that she did not understand that she was to call between 4 and 5, and so did not put in an appearance.
She will cheerfully concede to your requirement of taking treatmentEditorial Note: Christian Science treatment through prayer. before the courseEditorial Note: Instruction in Christian Science at the Massachusetts Metaphysical College.. I shall watch with deep interest the success of the treatment with my friend. I know she is in a very receptive frame of mind; she is willing to seek first the kingdom of HeavenMatt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. .
I shall let you know the moment I have any prospect of success of raising a class hereEditorial Note: Helen Densmore was considering finding students to study with Mary Baker Eddy in a class to be held in New York, New York. The proposed class was never held..
Per E F O.