Accession: 671.73A.014
Editorial Title: Mrs. L. E. Gibson to Mary Baker Eddy, February 12, 1884
Author: Mrs. L. E. Gibson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: February 12, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Mrs. L. E. Gibson on printed lined stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
Editorial Note: Gibson studied Christian Science with Bradford Sherman, but she couldn't find anyone to come for treatment from her as she doesn't know many people in Chicago. She tried to get Sherman to take the books back and promised not to share his teaching, but he wasn't willing to do that. She mentions that she has an aged mother and young daughter to provide for. In her letter she discusses her difficulties in demonstrating Christian Science and asks Eddy questions about the types of conditions likely to respond to Christian Science treatment through prayer. She also wishes she could have studied with Mary Baker Eddy and hopes she might still be able to do so if she can raise the funds needed. She also asks how to obtain Eddy's books for people who don't want to pay for instruction, and she mentions she'll subscribe to the Journal as soon as she can.
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