⇉ Handshift:Ezra G. Goddard East Saginaw, MichiganAs Written:Mich., April 19th 1886
Please give me some accountAs Written:acct of your methodEditorial Note: Christian Science of Cures
I have a wife sick with a female disease & it may be malignant —
DoctorsAs Written:Drs are uncertain — I presume your methods are really As Written: realy based on magnetic treatment & your may have some powerful healers connected with your treatmentEditorial Note: Christian Science please inform me of your methods & whether a branch which I understand is in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois is just as good as yours
I am looking for the best place to take Mrs. G, & any information you can give — will oblige me
State terms & accommodations for a patient & should want my daughter to go with her & she would have to be accommodated —
belief in God's As Written: Gods power or religious sentiment would not amountAs Written:amt to much with us — but I understand your method is more willpower As Written: will power or healing magnetically As Written: magneticaly —