⇉ Handshift:Hannah E. GregoryEast Wareham Apr 19th 1884
I have just rec'd one of your Journals (an old one of Christian As Written: Christain Science. & as I have been thinking of your way of Healing the sick so much of late. I would like to obtain all the information possible for a poor woman to get. I am a great sufferer. I have suffered many long years with extreme HeadachesAs Written:Head aches, which has nearly torn As Written: tourned me all to pieces. (so to speak) I have been worse these 3 years past, as I am now 46. years of age I suppose is the cause of my Head being so much worse but I have been trying to get faith in God that he would cure me but I am not able yet to say that it is done.
I would like to have a late Journal, so as to lend it to my Friends & Neighbors & so try to get subscribers if I can, & obtain one of your Books, the Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. & other Books.
I see advertised sample copies free & would be thankful to receive one
Please direct to
East Wareham
I have tried almost everything for my Head & no cure
I have not much faith in Drs. have tried so many