⇉ Handshift:Mary Baker EddySend him paper
I have been for a long time a student and practitioner of medicine but have become convinced of its worthlessness. A Boston friend, a few days ago told me about your system, the first I ever heard of it. He could give me but a meager As Written: meagre account of it but enough to greatly interest me. He said you published a book called “Science & Health” which he had heard of but had never seen. I should be very glad to get a copy and if you will send me one by mail with your bill for book and postage I will send you the money on receipt of same I would send the money now but do not know the price. If after examination of your system it should commend itself to me I shall advance further in it and if possible, shall wish to receive instruction from you I shall be glad to receive any communication from you on the subject you may be disposed to make, but I presume the book will give me all necessary information.
P.S. My practice has been in New York. If I should get acquainted with your system and wish to practice it I should think this would be a desirable place to introduce it. I have been here about three months
CurEditorial Note: Likely "curriculum." Eddy is likely saying that the curriculum for the Massachusetts Metaphysical College should be sent.& notice