⇉ Handshift:Emma M. HaleSyracuse, New YorkAs Written:N. Y., Oct. 9 1885
Having heard your name through a friend of mine who is doctoring with a Metaphysician in ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, I take the liberty of writing you in regard to my husband. She advised me to write you stating his case - and is firm in the belief that you could help him. - having derived so much benefit in her own case. I will write you the condition he is in as well as I may be able. And if you think it possible to help him will you be kind enough to write me - stating terms et ceteraAs Written:&c.
He has not been well for two years & even farther back - in fact I think the commencement of the trouble was an attack of Pleurisy. Since that time he has been troubled with Bronchitis - Seemed to be a constant tickling in his throat which compelled him to cough - causing soreness & inflammation. - Last fall - slight chills & fever -. Did not lose flesh to any extent until this last spring - then lost rapidly. Has some pain at lower joint of ribs - & across the chest. Coughs considerably nights & raises a sort of yellowish matter. (if indeed there is any color to it, as he is sleeping his throat seems to fill & that wakens him.
Is quite comfortable days - although the continued ill health makes him somewhat nervous.
Is not confined to his bed - on the contrary, get out nearly every day, if the weather is not too unfavorable and attends to his business for a few hours. Has not had the chills and fever during the summer but for a few days past - has had them again although not every day.
We have tried nearly everything and a great many Doctors - they seem to help him for a time - but it does not last. If I have not been explicit enough - please let me know - & I will try & explain still farther. Like many As Written: may others - he has lost faith after trying so many things & is at times quite discouraged - But we try to look on the bright side.
Pardon me for writing so at length but I really could not tell you all I wanted to in smaller space.
Hoping you will consider this at your earliest convenience -
Please direct to the above address