Accession: 675A.75.042
Editorial Title: Moses C. Harriman to Mary Baker Eddy, April 2, 1885
Author: Moses C. Harriman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye  Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: April 2, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Moses C. Harriman on lined paper from Warner, New Hampshire.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations in the handwriting of Mary Baker Eddy and Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyDefence of Christian Science
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSent Apr 3

If you knew my sentiments in the matter I feel certain you would excuse me for taking the liberty of thus addressing you, and hope you will as it is.

To commence As Written: commense I will say I am interested in all true Christian work and have an undoubting faith in God and in his power to do whatsoever seems good to Him. I have heard something of what is called Christian Science, but have no well demonstrated evidence of its As Written: itts good or bad principles if it has either, I have however from what little I have heardAs Written:heared, supposed it to be an outcome of SpiritismEditorial Note: "Spiritism" referred to the belief that communication with the dead was possible., in which I have no confidence whatever, as to being what it is represented. But from a circular sent to my daughter, just read it would seem that there is no connection between the two, and this gives me a desire to know more about it. And if you can put me in the way of obtaining any information I shall feel under obligations to you.

Very respectfully,
M. C. Harriman
Warner Merrimack Co New HampshireAs Written:N.H.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Mary Baker EddyDefence of Christian Science
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSent Apr 3

If you knew my sentiments in the matter I feel certain you would excuse me for taking the liberty of thus addressing you, and hope you will as it is.

To commense Corrected: commence I will say I am interested in all true Christian work and have an undoubting faith in God and in his power to do whatsoever seems good to Him. I have heard something of what is called Christian Science, but have no well demonstrated evidence of itts Corrected: its good or bad principles if it has either, I have however from what little I have hearedCorrected:heard, supposed it to be an outcome of SpiritismEditorial Note: "Spiritism" referred to the belief that communication with the dead was possible., in which I have no confidence whatever, as to being what it is represented. But from a circular sent to my daughter, just read it would seem that there is no connection between the two, and this gives me a desire to know more about it. And if you can put me in the way of obtaining any information I shall feel under obligations to you.

Very respectfully,
M. C. Harriman
Warner Merrimack Co N.H.Expanded:New Hampshire
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"Spiritism" referred to the belief that communication with the dead was possible.