Accession: 675A.75.043
Editorial Title: Moses C. Harriman to Mary Baker Eddy, September 21, 1885
Author: Moses C. Harriman 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: September 21, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Moses C. Harriman on embossed lined paper from Warner, New Hampshire.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Some months since I wrote you asking for some clue in regard to information concerning Christian Science etc, since then I have read the pamphlet you sent also a work by Dr (Evans?) one or two of your Magazines and finallyAs Written:finaly your two Vols Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, I have been a bible student for twenty years, and can truly say that I fully agree with you in many things and especially in regard to spiritism, personal devil, position of churches, and other things, I also believe that the power that once healed the sick can as well do it now as then, in fact I am much interested in your work, and am not too bigoted, or proud to accept truth wherever I can find it and feel it is truth, I would like to go forward in this matter if it is practicable for me to do so, but do not know as my circumstances will admit, but I wish to know what the expense will be for a proper course of study, also the shortest amount of time required, as both money and time are an object with any man who is not extra well, has a sick wife, a family to care for, no means except what he can earn, [?] Unclear or illegible is in a place where his business is dull, if it were otherwise with me I should not write thus,

Hoping I shall not intrude unreasonably on your time I am Respectfully
M.C. Harriman
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Some months since I wrote you asking for some clue in regard to information concerning Christian Science etc, since then I have read the pamphlet you sent also a work by Dr (Evans?) one or two of your Magazines and finalyCorrected:finally your two Vols Science and HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, I have been a bible student for twenty years, and can truly say that I fully agree with you in many things and especially in regard to spiritism, personal devil, position of churches, and other things, I also believe that the power that once healed the sick can as well do it now as then, in fact I am much interested in your work, and am not too bigoted, or proud to accept truth wherever I can find it and feel it is truth, I would like to go forward in this matter if it is practicable for me to do so, but do not know as my circumstances will admit, but I wish to know what the expense will be for a proper course of study, also the shortest amount of time required, as both money and time are an object with any man who is not extra well, has a sick wife, a family to care for, no means except what he can earn, [?] Unclear or illegible is in a place where his business is dull, if it were otherwise with me I should not write thus,

Hoping I shall not intrude unreasonably on your time I am Respectfully
M.C. Harriman
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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy