Your very kind note of the 27thEditorial Note: This note is not extant. receivedAs Written:rec'd, and I certainly appreciate the kindness of your offer, and many persons would not hesitate, when a year's As Written: years time is before them but $200Editorial Note: $200.00 in 1885 is the equivalent of $5,271.29 in 2019. looks large to me a year ahead even, not that I am stingy - for I dislike that trait in anyoneAs Written:any one - and have never practiced As Written: practised it myself, if I had I possibly As Written: posibly might have had the needful As Written: needfull for the present purpose, I do not believe in too much self praise, but I know my desire As Written: disire is to meet all bills when due, I have a good trade and in a fair place for business should consider the amountAs Written:am'nt in question no obstacle As Written: obsticle, but here it just allows As Written: alows one to take care of self and family, by being economical. I have hoped for several years that; next year would be better and I could get away to some fairer field, but next year brings the same difficulties and passes with no progress made as far as obtaining money and the comforts of life are concerned, and had it not been for As Written: fore large hope, I can easily imagine what my present condition would have been, but let God be praised for one good trait if no more!
I do not just now feel that I can comply with your kind offer, but if I can feel my way clear, in season I shall be glad to be in your next class.
You ask my opinion of spiritualism, and I hope, and trust my answer will give you no offense. To speak after the manner of men, I believe it to be a delusion of the devil, (de evil.) (of evil.) I think I need say no more on that now.
I do not know as you and I should agree in all points on the Bible As Written: bible but I feel you are sound on many points and have enough of the spirit that Christ manifested to be charitable As Written: cheritable to those who from any cause did not see the same as yourself in some things.