Ever since Learning of the Mind Cure science (Which had only been one year), there has been a growing interest to know more – Now hoping Among your numerous correspondence you will give me a hearing And soon Reply – so that I may get some light of the subject – As I feel Almost certain God has given me some power in that direction that he would have used to his glory – I want to tell you a little of my experience – About three years ago was very sick Physician As Written: Physcian (our own long tried family physician As Written: physcian ) said he could do no more I put my faith in the great physician As Written: physcian And was restored, after which, he says never was I more proud of A Recovery – And yet you cured yourself – I said nothing to anyone As Written: Any one - only gave praise to my great deliverer. Since then, having a feeble Brother who had been addicted to the use of Opiates for three years growing up him all the time I took it in hand, took it all away at once, giving no substitute stayed As Written: staid by him for ten days – saying by the power of your will and the strength God gives it can be done, And it was – And effectually too – he is yet a sufferer from some trouble with his water – which he passes every half hours – Am still hoping he may be cured of that.
could you do anything As Written: any thing for him unseen Now these things have of course given me strong faith – but remember it was all before I ever heard of your new method Now can you give me any light or by Any means encourage me to work more public –
Is age against me Am fifty have a HusbandEditorial Note: Milton P. Hedge, family all out of the way, And so situated could have time for the work if it was practicable As Written: practable , live on Cape Cod eighty miles from Boston – none having a knowledge of the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science anywhere As Written: any where near – Will you please give my case a passing notice And some light on the scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science that may be a stepping stone to some little usefulness while I tarry here.
hoping to hear soon
Sent Dec 9