Accession: 677B.75.028
Editorial Title: Wilhelmina D. Hills to Mary Baker Eddy, March 11, 1886
Author: Wilhelmina D. Hills 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: March 11, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Wilhelmina D. Hills on lined paper that features a drawing of a mountain, lake, and boat, from Wichita, Kansas. This letter has been torn in several places and repaired with tape.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Commenced taking As Written: takeing your Journal last September, sent for your books Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in December,

Found they were just what I was hungering & thirstingMatt 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. for. I read & study them Received some help from a friend, who had taken one course of lessons in ChigoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, She found I could help her, and she me so we went to treating each other, then in our families, found the new light to beAs Written:bee true, and oh so glorious, how happy it has made me,

PraiseAs Written:Prais the Lord for your birth. I have treated my niece As Written: neice who said she had catarrh, was very As Written: verry hard of hearing and some impediment As Written: empediment in her speechAs Written:speach, all of the troubles are removed after two month treatment, I have treated several cases of Sick headache which As Written: wich yield As Written: yeald immediatelyAs Written:imeidatly, also three young girls who it was supposed As Written: supose was going into consumption As Written: consomtion two are perfectly well, the other one getting well as fast as she can,

How I would love to take lessons of you but cannot yet, hope to somedayAs Written:some day, don't As Written: dont think I understand just how to treat Animal Magnetism yet.

Your friend.
Wilhimina Hills
Wichita Kansas
Lock Box

P S. How can I best scatter the new light. Do we get the new edision for twelve subscribes to the Journal.

W. H.

Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Commenced takeing Corrected: taking your Journal last Septemdber, sent for your books Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in December,

Found they were just what I was hungering & thirstingMatt 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. for. I read & study them Received some help from a friend, who had taken one course of lessons o in ChigoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, She found I could help her, and she me so we went to treating each other, then in our families, found the new light to beeCorrected:be true, and oh so glorious, how happy it has made me,

PraisCorrected:Praise the Lord for your birrth. I have treated my neice Corrected: niece who said she had catarrh, was verry Corrected: very hard of hearing and some empediment Corrected: impediment in her speachCorrected:speech, all of the troubles are removed after two month treatment, I have treated several cases of Sick headache wich Corrected: which yeald Corrected: yield imeidatlyCorrected:immediately, also three young girls who it was supose Corrected: supposed was going into consomtion Corrected: consumption two are perfectly well, the other one getting well as fast as she can,

How I would love to take lessons of you but cannot yet, hope to some dayCorrected:someday, dont Corrected: don't think I understand just how to treat a Animal Mgag Magnetism yet.

Your friend.
Wilhimina Hills
Wichita Kansas
Lock Box

P S. How can I best scatter the new light. Do we get the new edision for [?] Unclear or illegible  twelve suberscrbers subscribes to the Journal.

W. H.

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Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Chicago, Illinois