Commenced taking As Written: takeing your Journal last September, sent for your books Science & HealthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy in December,
Found they were just what I was hungering & thirstingMatt 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled. for. I read & study them Received some help from a friend, who had taken one course of lessons in ChigoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois, She found I could help her, and she me so we went to treating each other, then in our families, found the new light to beAs Written:bee true, and oh so glorious, how happy it has made me,
PraiseAs Written:Prais the Lord for your birth. I have treated my niece As Written: neice who said she had catarrh, was very As Written: verry hard of hearing and some impediment As Written: empediment in her speechAs Written:speach, all of the troubles are removed after two month treatment, I have treated several cases of Sick headache which As Written: wich yield As Written: yeald immediatelyAs Written:imeidatly, also three young girls who it was supposed As Written: supose was going into consumption As Written: consomtion two are perfectly well, the other one getting well as fast as she can,
How I would love to take lessons of you but cannot yet, hope to somedayAs Written:some day, don't As Written: dont think I understand just how to treat Animal Magnetism yet.
P S. How can I best scatter the new light. Do we get the new edision for twelve subscribes to the Journal.