Accession: 678A.76.001
Editorial Title: Sanford Hoag to Mary Baker Eddy, January 22, 1886
Author: Sanford Hoag 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: January 22, 1886
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Sanford Hoag on lined paper from Denver, Colorado.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy
PresidentAs Written:Pres. of Mass. Metaphy. College
Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass.
Dear Madam:

There has been quite a sensation in this CityEditorial Note: Denver, Colorado of late over some extraordinary cures made by Mrs. Hall and her daughter (Metaphysicians.) who received their instructions from Dr Sherman of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois.

Quite a number here were anxious to learn the treatment so Dr. S. was sent for and a class of fifty-one was secured, and I understand twenty-five more are awaiting his second coming in February.

Being a physician I determined to ascertain the genuineness of some of the cures and am convinced that they have accomplished what even the best medical treatment would not have accomplished, and I have decided to study metaphysics, and as I have business which calls me to New York CityAs Written:C I would prefer to go to Boston and take a thorough course, which I should hope would secure better success, hence the questions:

Can you take a student at any time?

What are your terms including Normal Course?

How much time will it require?

Can one of Dr Sherman's pupils As Written: pupits teach?

Is there a pupil of yours at Kansas City?

As I expect to start for New York in about two weeks an early answer will greatly oblige.

Yours very respectfully,
S. Hoag M.D.
405 Curtis St
Denver ColoradoAs Written:Colo.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Mrs. Mary Baker G. Eddy
Pres.Expanded:President of Mass. Metaphy. College
Boston Mass.Expanded:Massachusetts
Dear Madam:

There has been quite a sensation in this CityEditorial Note: Denver, Colorado of late over some extraordinary cures made by Mrs. Hall and her daughter (Metaphysicians.) who took received their instructions from Dr Sherman of ChicagoEditorial Note: Chicago, Illinois.

Quite a number here were anxious to learn the treatment so Dr. S. was sent for and a class of fifty-one was secured, and I understand twenty-five more are awaiting his second coming in February.

Being a physician I determined to ascertain the genuineness of some of the cures and am convinced that they have accomplished what even the best medical treatment would not have accomplished, and I have decided to study metaphysics, and as I have business which calls me to New York CExpanded:City I would prefer to go to Boston and take a thorough course, which I should hope would secure better success, hence the questions:

Can you take a student at any time?

What are your terms including Normal Course?

How much time will it require?

Can one of Dr Sherman's pupits Corrected: pupils teach?

Is there a pupil of yours at Kansas City?

As I expect to start for New York in about two weeks an early answer will greatly oblige.

Yours very respectfully,
S. Hoag M.D.
405 Curtis St
Denver Colo.Expanded:Colorado
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Denver, Colorado Chicago, Illinois