⇉ Handshift:Dora A. HoffmanRichlandEditorial Note: Richland, Pennsylvania Dec 2nd 1885
Last summer while visiting friends in Nebraska I heard for the first time of a Christian Scientist Mrs E. B. Fenn of OmahaEditorial Note: Omaha, Nebraska; and having been an invalid for several years; I went to her and was under treatment during the month of July and was very much benefited thereby; My improvement has created quite an interest in the neighborhood in which I reside; quite a number of persons have said if there were any ScientistsEditorial Note: Christian Scientists as near as Philadelphia (which is about 77 miles east from us) they would go for treatment; among the addresses in the journal I could see none nearer than New York; and thinking there might be some at Philadelphia or some other place not as distant as New YorkAs Written:N. Y. I wrote to Mrs S. H. Crosse almost three weeks ago but received no reply. And since several persons are very anxious to know I have had the presumption to make another attempt by writing to you If there are any as near as PhiladelphiaAs Written:Phila. you will greatly oblige me by sending their address. I am very much interested in the work, and hope I may sometimeAs Written:some time be enabled to attend your instructions.