Accession: 683A.77.004
Editorial Title: Adelaide Johnson to Mary Baker Eddy, December 22, 1885
Author: Adelaide Johnson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: December 22, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Adelaide Johnson on lined paper from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: The paragraph beginning “Please what is the smallest number…” is marked on the left in pencil.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy.

Though you may never receive personally my few words I wish to add my testimony to the catalogue already innumerable of those who have gained in consequence of recognizing immortality through the principle you have given to the world any blessings go to you each moment also from many of the disciples to whom I have transmitted the light received.

I have been a student for some time in the occult sciences so with an understanding somewhatAs Written:some what developed your teachingsEditorial Note: Christian Science came to me in a perfect cloud of glory. not complete until I have studied with you which is far in the future as I am young and dependent upon my own efforts for everything but in the meantime shall do all the good I can but making no pretentions.

Please what is the smallest number you will send of Science and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy at wholesale price? also will you kindly send the Christian Science Journal to Miss Jennie Lindgern

Box 29

Evanston IllinoisAs Written:Ills

Commencing with the NovemberAs Written:Nov one also to Mrs Blood for the last name I have forgotten the address will send in a few days but please send at once to the first address

With Sincere devotion to the redeemer of the worldEditorial Note: Jesus Christ
Most Respectfully
Adelaide Johnson
63 18th St Chicago IllinoisAs Written:Ills
Carleton Flats.
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Dear Mrs. Eddy.

Though you may never receive personally my few words I wish to add my testimony to the catalogue already innumerable of those who have gained in consequence of recognizing immortality through the principle you have given to the world any blessings go to you each moment also from many of the disciples to whom I have transmitted the light received.

I have been a student for some time in the occult sciences so with an understanding some whatCorrected:somewhat developed your teachingsEditorial Note: Christian Science came to me in a perfect cloud of glory. not complete until I have studied with you which is far in the future as I am young and dependent upon my own efforts for everything but in the meantime shall do all the good I can but making no pretentions.

Please what is the smallest number you will send of Science and healthEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy at wholesale price? also will you kindly send the Christian Science Journal to Miss Jennie Lindgern

Box 29

Evanston IllsExpanded:Illinois

Commencing with the NovExpanded:November one also to Mrs Blood for the last name I have forgotten the address will send in a few days but please send at once to the first address

With Sincere devotion to the redeemer of the worldEditorial Note: Jesus Christ
Most Respectfully
Adelaide Johnson
63 18th St Chicago IllsExpanded:Illinois
Carleton Flats.
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Christian Science Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy Jesus Christ