Accession: 683A.77.040
Editorial Title: O. Johnson to Mary Baker Eddy, December 17, 1884
Author: O. Johnson 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Annotator: Calvin A. Frye 
Date: December 17, 1884
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by O. Johnson on his lined printed stationery from Chicago, Illinois.
Archival Note: This letter includes notations in the handwriting of Calvin A. Frye.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeShouldn’t consider your age any disparagementAs Written:dispg’t & should like very much to have you become a studentAs Written:stud’t
AnsweredAs Written:Ans Dec 31
Mrs M. B. G. Eddy,”
Boston MassachusettsAs Written:Mass,
Dear Madam.

I am at present engaged in reading your works on Metaphysics and find them intensely As Written: intensly interesting

I would like to inquire what preparation is necessary or what is required of a Student to become eligible to enter the Metaphysical College, also what are the terms, &c and would you consider a man of fifty years too old to take up the Study with a view of practicing it

Yours truly
O Johnson
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSend curriculumAs Written:cur
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeShouldn’t consider your age any dispg’tExpanded:disparagement & should like very much to have you become a stud’tExpanded:student
AnsExpanded:Answered Dec 31
Mrs M. B. G. Eddy,”
Boston MassExpanded:Massachusetts,
Dear Madam.

I am at present engaged in reading your works on Metaphysics and find them intensly Corrected: intensely interesting

I would like to inquire what preparation is necessary or what is required of a Student to become eligible to enter the Metaphysical College, also what are the terms, &c and would you consider a man of fifty years too old to take up the Study with a view of practicing it

Yours truly
O Johnson
Handshift:Calvin A. FryeSend curExpanded:curriculum
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