⇉ Handshift:Amanda P. LeffingwellPortageEditorial Note: Portage, Wisconsin. Sept. 7. 1884
I have been under treatment by one of your Students for four months It is the turn of LifeEditorial Note: menopause with me causing a great deal of trouble with the whole system and causing excessive flowing. but the worst trouble is Deafness and it seems the more I flow the deafer I get the ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist that treats me is Mrs L Fuller of Columbus WisconsinAs Written:Wis She is sincere and has done me a great amount of good but my ears seems to be too much for her. and she wrote to a fellow ScientistEditorial Note: Christian Scientist for help and he answered in quite a heartless way and refused to help her. I am aware that you do not treat (heaving read your works) but I feel perfectly assured that if you would give my ears a five minutes treatment I should Hear Oh I know you could make me whole I have read your booksEditorial Note: Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. and the Bible Prayed, argued, pleaded, everything to stop this trouble. I was treated at a Milwaukee Infirmary a year ago and was not benefitted in the least the Dr there said my deafness was caused by catarrh Dr Earl of ColumbusEditorial Note: Columbus, Wisconsin says a nervous difficulty and hard work I have been slightly deaf for 15 years Mrs. Fuller has great faith in my ultimate recovery but I grow so much worse that I would beg of you on my knees if I were in your presence to give me first 5 minutes of your time and I would bless you until my last breath was drawn
Oh my friend I pray that Truth Life and Love may prevail I am 48 years old live at Portage WisconsinAs Written:Wis.
I pray you have patience to read this letter and think to yourselfAs Written:your self as you read if you could not hear your family converse, what a Heaven anyone could make for you by healing you. So I pray you heed the Savior’sAs Written:Saviours command and heal the afflicted
God Bless you