Accession: 688B.78.051
Editorial Title: Henry Lloyd IV to Mary Baker Eddy, May 13, 1885
Author: Henry Lloyd IV 
Recipient: Mary Baker Eddy 
Date: May 13, 1885
Manuscript Description: Handwritten by Henry Lloyd IV on lined paper from Huntington, New York.
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Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Some peculiars or - currencies in personal experience, together with the fact that many newspaper paragraphs, relating to an extraordinary development in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts of the "Mind Cure" excitement, had caught my eye, and induced me to write my cousin Dr Hasket Derby of your CityEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, requesting that he would give some of the names of the more prominent Apostles of the new ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I call it a Science, though I do not know that its advantage yet claim for it that dignity-. Knowing nothing of the merits of the system, or of the order or quality of its Collegiate curriculum, I will say, that though a good deal of a "doubting Thomas"John 20:24 ¶But Thomas, one of the twelve, called
Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.
John 20:25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. John 20:26 ¶And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. John 20:27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. John 20:28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. John 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
, I believe that at no distant future, the Mind Cure postulate under the careful guidance of scientific methods will, by the immutable law of EVOLUTION, develop As Written: develope itself into a well defined entity, and demand from the world a recognition of its claims as founded upon pure reason – Error, not truth will be uprooted by earnest As Written: ernest and painstaking investigation - Will you pardon me for saying that those who gave to practitioners of this art the title of "Christian Scientists", made a great mistake? The use of this qualifying adjective, whether for euphony, or as a "sop" to an anthropomorphic As Written: anthropomorfic of is "Cerberus", panders to a vicious sentiment = If humanity is to be elevated and conserved - if disease is to be eliminated - if suffering is to be alleviated, and reformatting As Written: reformating principles and process, set up and given activity, do not let the lofty aims involved be degraded by undignified association, by crude myths, or sensational cant - Of primary importance is it that the true reformer and philanthropist, should freely cauterize the sensatory portions of the moral epidermis -The most formidable obstructionist is King Orthodox who sits upon a golden throne: and wields with clumsy strength a sword destined to be blunted, and let us hope turned in to a pruning hook, or tuning fork! There is a musical twang in that idea anyhow. As an ignorant layman my congestion of Mind Cure or Mental Therapeutics is, that it is the assumption of a system of intense and prolonged consciousness, which, often enormous, time lapses invariably characteristics of evolutionary process has furnished in its initial and primary development a remedial force destined under scientific cultivation and guidance, to elevate, beautify and ameliorate the condition of the whole human race - I think the times are in a frame eminently fitting for the reception of everything really progressive - I think the whole world is craving and crying out for a share of the benefits of this Gospel of Psychical Remedy!

Of course my cousin is, (and it is entirely right and proper that such should be the case) hostile to what antagonizes the ethical and professional creeds in which he has been educated but as he was good enough to mention the names of some of the more pronounnced in the healing scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, I have availed myself of the opportunity, and now request that you will without too great sacrifices, kindly give me the outline, on general synopsis of the propaganda taught in the "Metaphysical College".

If I can in anywayAs Written:any way reciprocate, pray command me. Although not by any means cranked on this, on anything else that I know of, who can say but that I myself might, pan out, a tremendous remedial energy?

Permit me to ask a final question: If physical, electricity, of whose elementary construction nothing is known, can be successfully utilized in so many industries, why may we not logically infer that its congener psychical or sentiment electricity may not only be intelligently manipulated, but be made out servient to purposes of higher import and utility?- My genealogical antecedents are of strictly Bostonian Origin - Dr James Lloyd, an eminent As Written: emenent medical practitioner, in Boston, during and subsequent to the American Revolution was my great uncle, and his son, James US Senator from MassachusettsAs Written:Mass, was a Kinsman. So, I glory in Boston, about other matters than its "baked beans"! Beyond enough to presume this letter, subject to my order: You are at liberty however to make such use of it as you think best. Has the "Mind Cure" SystemEditorial Note: Christian Science no special newspaper as a vehicle for the exposition of its doctrines?"

Very truly and respectfully yours
Henry Lloyd -
Reproduced from the archive of The Mary Baker Eddy Library

Some peculiars or - currencies in personal experience, together with the fact that many newspaper paragraphs, relating to an extraordinary development in BostonEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts of the "Mind Cure" excitement, had caught my eye, and induced me to write my cousin Dr Hasket Derby of your CityEditorial Note: Boston, Massachusetts, requesting that he would give some of the names of the more prominent Apostles of the new ScienceEditorial Note: Christian Science. I call it a Science, though I do not know that its advantage yet claim for it that dignity-. Knowing nothing of the merits of the system, or of the order or quality of its Collegiate curriculum, I will say, that though a good deal of a "doubting Thomas"John 20:24 ¶But Thomas, one of the twelve, called
Didymus, was not with them when Jesus came.
John 20:25 The other disciples therefore said unto him, We have seen the Lord. But he said unto them, Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe. John 20:26 ¶And after eight days again his disciples were within, and Thomas with them: then came Jesus, the doors being shut, and stood in the midst, and said, Peace be unto you. John 20:27 Then saith he to Thomas, Reach hither thy finger, and behold my hands; and reach hither thy hand, and thrust it into my side: and be not faithless, but believing. John 20:28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. John 20:29 Jesus saith unto him, Thomas, because thou hast seen me, thou hast believed: blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.
, [?] Unclear or illegible  I believe that an at no distant future, the Mind Cure postulate under the careful guidance of scientific methods will, by the immutable law of EVOLUTION, develope Corrected: develop itself into a well defined entity, and demand from the world a recognition of its claims as founded upon pure reason – Error, not truth will be uprooted by ernest Corrected: earnest and painstaking investigation - Will you pardon me for saying that those who gave to practitioners of this art the title of [?] Unclear or illegible  "Christian Scientists", made a great mistake? The use of this qualifying adjective, whether for euphony, or as a "sop" to an anthropomorfic Corrected: anthropomorphic of is "Cerberus", are panders to a vicious sentiment = If humanity is to be elevated and conserved - if disease is to be l eliminated - if suffering is to be alleviated, and reformating Corrected: reformatting principles and process, set up and given activity, do not let the lofty aims involved be degraded by undignified association, by crude myths, or sensational cant - Of primary importance is it that the true reformer and philanthropist, should freely cauterize the sensatory portions of the moral epidermis -The most formidable obstructionist is King Orthodox who sits upon a golden throne: and wields with clumsy strength a sword destined to be blunted, and let us hope [?] Unclear or illegible  turned in to a pruning hook, or tuning fork! There is a musical twang in that idea anyhow. As an ignorant layman my congestion of Mind Cure or Mental Therapeutics is, that it is the assumption of a system of intense and prolonged consciousness, which, often enormous, time lapses invariably [?] Unclear or illegible  characteristics of evolutionary process has furnished in its initial and primary development a remedial force destined under scientific cultivation and guidance, to elevate, beautify and ameliorate the condition of the whole human race - I think the times are in a frame eminently fitting for the reception of everything really progressive - I think the whole world is craving and crying out for a share of the benefits of this Gospel of Psychical Remedy!

Of course my cousin is, (and it is entirely right and proper that such should be the case) hostile to what antagonizes the ethical and professional creeds in which he has been educated but as he was good enough to mention the names of some of the more pronounnced in the healing scienceEditorial Note: Christian Science, I have availed myself of the opportunity, and now [?] Unclear or illegible  request that you will without too great sacrifices, kindly give me the outline, on general synopsis of the propaganda taught in the "Metaphysical College".

If I can in any wayCorrected:anyway reciprocate, pray command me. Although not by any means cranked on this, on anything else that I know of, who can say but that I myself might, pan out, a tremendous remedial energy?

Permit me to ask a final question: If physical, electricity, of whose elementary construction nothing is known, can be successfully utilized in so many industries, why may we not logically infer that its congener psychical or sentiment electricity may not only be intelligently manipulated, but be made out servient to purposes of higher import and utility?- My genealogical antecedents are of strictly Bostonian Origin - Dr James Lloyd, an emenent Corrected: eminent medical practitioner, in Boston, during and and subsequent to the American Revolution was my great uncle, and his son, James [?] Unclear or illegible  US Senator from MassExpanded:Massachusetts, was a Kinsman. So, I glory in Boston, about other matters than its "baked beans"! Beyond enough to presume this letter, subject to my order: You are at liberty however to make such use of it as you think best. Has the "Mind Cure" SystemEditorial Note: Christian Science no special newspaper as a vehicle for the exposition of its doctrines?"

Very truly and respectfully yours
Henry Lloyd -
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Boston, Massachusetts Boston, Massachusetts Christian Science Christian Science Christian Science